The Implementation Of RTE -2009: And Effects There of on Minority And Scheduled Tribe Communities In West Bengal
minority, scheduled tribe, ST, RTE-2009, RTE, tribal, RTE implementation, indiaSynopsis
The first chapter deals with Introduction where I highlighted the various norms and how the minority and scheduled tribe people are benefitted from it. The second chapter deals with Survey of Related Literature where I have consulted various journals, books and other previous related works on it. The third chapter deals with Design of the Study where I have stated the type of research, methods I have adopted to complete my study, the various variables I have used, the various parametric and nonparametric technique followed etc. The fourth chapter deals with and Methodology of the Study, The fifth chapter deals with Analysis and Interpretation of Data where through the various statistical tools and applying various statistical tests I have tried to find the solution of the problem of my research. The sixth chapter deals with summary and Conclusion where I have summarized my study, I have also stated my findings in my research work, stated my limitations in sample collections and scope for further work and finally stated how his study will provide a path to solve this problem faced by minorities and Scheduled Tribe people in implementation of the RTE ACT, 2009