Climate Change and GIS Based Agriculture Mapping in Kerala
Introductory Framework, Scope and Methodology, Review of Literature, History of Climate Change, Situation Analysis of Kuttanad, Historical Interpretations, Agriculture Mapping and Emission Analysis, History of Scientific Farming, Transition to Low Carbon Economy, High Carbon to a Low Carbon Economy, Development of Policy FormulationSynopsis
When population growth expands at geometric proportion on a Global scale, results in enhanced pressure on land and its scarce natural resources. International agencies like the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) forecasts that global food production will need to increase by 70% if the population reaches 9.1bn by 2050. Moreover, many developing countries like Brazil and China are now categorised as rich nations whose population started increasing its consumption especially meat and dairy products. As per rough estimates, it takes five times as much grain to produce one kilo of meat which could have been sold in the market. This increase in consumption is stimulated by globalisation induced economic growth which also altered the prevailing food supply chain. The present food supply chain now involves more countries as each entity specialises on one operation – production, processing, and packing.
This book looks at the use Geographical Information System in devising resource-based strategies and to enhance productivity in this sector. This study is restricted to the region that is regarded as the ‘Rice Bowl of Kerala’ – Kuttanad.