Policies and Practices at Secondary and Higher Secondary Level
Basics in Teacher Education, Need, Scope and Objectives of Teacher Education, Introduction to Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, Structure of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, Decentralization, Constitutional Provisions, Right to Education and its Implications, Universal Access, Major Schemes and Programs, RMSA and other Programs, Responsibilities of the Union Government, Quality in Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, National Council of Educational Research and Training, Central institute of Educational Technology, Concerns in Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, Quality Teaching in Higher Education: Policies and Practices, A Policy Perspective, RecommendationsSynopsis
Research in every field and more so in the field of education is demand of the day. Progress in any field is directly linked with research in that field. Our problems and difficulties in the field of education further necessitate a purposeful and sustained research effort. We need a large number of research schools who may take up the huge task of providing new directions to our education theories and practices. Educational planning has to be based on sound research findings. The researches carried out at other places may also help us in any ways but we cannot always depend on the borrowed and imported stuff. We have to adopt an Indianite approach to the problems and requirements of Indian Education. Thus we have largely depend on researches carried out on our own soil by our own research scholars. The educational programs of modern India can’t be run on age old lines. So long as our research effort in education remains poor we shall continue to be counted as on educationally backward nation. Educational reform and progress necessitate a dedicated and competent team of research scholars. Department of education set up by various universities, various colleges of education and May other institutions and agencies are engaged in the task of preparing and training prospective research workers. They have already at their disposal huge stocks of variety of relevant reference and reading materials. In this view we prepared this work to help the readers and students of M.Ed. and Ph. d. Courses.