Chemistry for Engineers
Water and Its Treatment, Internal Treatment Methods, Desalination of Brackish Water by Reverse Osmosis Method, Surface Chemistry and Catalysis, Michelis-Menten Equation, Alloys, Properties of Alloy, Heat Treatment of Alloys (Steel), Stainless Steels (or) Corrosion Resistant Steels, Fuels and Combustion, Primary Solid Fuel – Coal, Carbonization, Knocking in Diesel Engine, Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), Energy Sources and Storage Devices, Nuclear Fission, Nuclear Chain Reaction, Light Water Nuclear Power Plant (Part-B), Breeder Reactor, Batteries, Fuel CellSynopsis
We are happy to present the first edition of Chemistry for engineers. This book is an introduction to fundamental concepts and the applications of chemistry for engineers. This book comprises of five units which covers the entire engineering chemistry syllabus. Topics like Water treatment, surface chemistry and catalysis, Alloys and phase rule, Fuels and combustion and Energy storage Devices have been written in a simple manner. All the topics in the book are covered comprehensively and explained with illustrations. The simple language used throughout the book will help the students in grasping the concept of the subject easily. Figures and tables are incorporated where ever necessary to make the concept clearer. Authors hope that this book will be useful for both students and teachers. Suggestions for improvement will be gratefully acknowledged.