A Text Book of HCCI Engines
Introduction, Internal Combustion Engine, History of HCCI Technology, Effects of Air Pollution, Literature Review, HCCI Technology Engines, Effects of EGR on HCCI, Mixture Preparation, Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition Engines, Homogeneous Mixture Preparation Methods, Exhaust Gas recirculation, Challenges and Solutions of HCCI, Eucalyptus Biodiesel, Requirement of Biodiesel, Biodiesel Properties, History of Eucalyptus Oil, Experimental Setup, Modification Needed For HCCI Technology, Results and Discussions, Conclusion and Future ScopeSynopsis
The internal combustion engine has been the most successful device in delivering benefits to the different communities of the world. Reciprocating the IC engine is certainly the best apparatus in some aspects compared to its counterparts. Still, the processes of these IC engines are seeking developments vowing to the commercialization for a better place in the society. The progress has been well related to engine combustion processes in terms of fuel-saving or minimization of losses. However, there are certainly other possibilities for improvement of these engines concerning the basic design which involves the types of fuel injection, better intake of air, fuel-air mixing, etc. The engine redesign or modifications are also a field of interest due to strict restrictions by the emission legislation. The internal combustion engines release harmful emissions into the atmosphere. The harmful emissions are major causes of smog formation, global warming, and environmental pollution. Transportation of vehicles such as heavy trucks, buses, and trains generates a large number of emissions that are oxides of nitrogen, particulate matters, hydrocarbons, and carbon monoxide. It contaminates the fresh air in the atmosphere, the air gets polluted and pollution is increasing every day along with the development (or) manufacture of the vehicles. The developing countries are facing the major issue is increasing environmental pollution. The metropolitan cities in INDIA, such as Bombay, Calcutta, Kanpur, Madras, and Delhi are facing smog formation, especially in the winter season.