A Study To Assess The Effectiveness Of Structured Teaching Program On Knowledge Regarding Acne Among Adolescent Students Of Caset Experimental Higher Secondary School, Srinagar, Kashmir.
Introduction, Background of the Study, Review of Literature, Studies Related To Management of Acne, Sample and Sampling Technique, Data Collection Tool/Instrument, Data Collection Procedure, Design of the Study, Analysis and Interpretation, Organization of Study Findings, Discussion, Summary & Conclusion, Nursing Implications, Limitations and Recommendations, References or BibliographySynopsis
The study was conducted with an aim to improve the knowledge of adolescent students regarding acne, to promote health and to encourage them to establish healthy patterns of behavior that will influence their health and psychological wellbeing. A pre-experimental one group pre test and post-test design was used for the study in order to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding acne among adolescent students at Caset Experimental Higher Secondary School Srinagar, Kashmir. Simple random sampling technique was used for selection of 60 students from accessible population. The prepared tool (structured knowledge questionnaire) and intervention (structured teaching programme) was validated by a panel of experts. Pre-testing of the tool and Intervention was done to check them for the clarity and feasibility. Pilot study was conducted on adolescent girls other than the study sample to assess the feasibility of the study.