Environment and Development (An Integrated Approach)


Tanmay Ghosh; Madhumonti Naskar; Sidhu Murmu; Kanu Murmu; Dr. Goutam Ghosh; S. K. Tripathi; Radha Singh; V. Mala; I. Muthuvel; V. Usha; G. Thirunarayanan; Parthasarathi Rengasamy; Elango Rasavel; Harini Sundaresan; Akash Krishnamoorthy; Kavinilavu Narayanasamy; Elango Rasavel; Dr. Debabrata Das; Atmaja Avirupa Das; Rajkumar Muth; Lenin Rajendran; Dr. Rajabhuvaneswari Ariyamuthu; Dipu Samanta; Samadrita Deb; Chayan Munshi; Koushiki Bhattacharya; Dr. Manoj Kumar; Santhanambika M. S.; G. Maheswari; Layana Nelson; Valsala P.; Gunavathi V.; Santhy, K. S.; Zeenath


Biofertilizers, Microbiology, Soil, Cyanobacteria., Shifting agriculture, Bamboo forest-derived jhum, Grassland – derived jhum, Mixed cropping, Soil fertility, Antibiotic Mediated Suppression, Competition, Induction of Systemic Resistance, Aryl 2E-enones,, Ultra-sonication, Aldol condensation, Insect antifeedant activity, Bio surfactants Based Biocontrol in Agriculture, Areas of Coconut Cultivation in World, Tribal people and Management., Macrobrachium Lamarrei: A Jack of all Trades, Birds of Prey of Agroecosystem, Environment., Allicin, and Hematological parameters.


Our mother earth contains enormous resources in forests, mountain, plains, wetlands, deserts and marine habitats etc. India is blessed with rich variety of fauna and flora in a diversity of ecological habitats from tropical, sub-tropical rainforests to alpine vegetation, temperate forests to coastal wetlands. Tropical rain forests endowed with habitat heterogeneity and high level of biological resources and the destruction of which due to industrialization & various anthropogenic activities causes severe climate change. Scientists and Government and Non-government agencies are engaged to reduce the pollution and to protect the natural world. Now- a- days the most important environmental issue are Deforestation, Air Pollution, Global Warming, Water Pollution, and Natural Resource Depletion. To mitigate all these environmental issues, an integrated approaches are to be taken up as per Brundtland Commission Report1987 of the United Nations, which says “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Before implementing any environmental integration program, main difference between development and sustainable development are to be taken into consideration. It says that development aims at raising the quality of life of only present generation whereas sustainable development aims at raising the quality of life of both present and future generations without threatening natural endowment and environment. Conservationist has to develop comprehensive strategies to protect our natural resources including


  • Biofertilizer Including Bacterial, Fungal AM/ VAM, Ectomycorrhizae, Cyanobacteria for Sustainable Agriculture
    Tanmay Ghosh
  • Classification and Importance of Biofertilizers in Agriculture
    Madhumonti Naskar, Sidhu Murmu, Kanu Murmu
  • Traditional Shifting Agricultural Systems Practiced by the Idus in Upper Dibang Valley District of Arunachal Pradesh, India
    Dr. Goutam Ghosh
  • Bio-Control Approaches for Plant Disease Management
    S. K. Tripathi, Radha Singh
  • Insect Antifeedant Active Aryl Enones
    V. Mala, I. Muthuvel, V. Usha, G. Thirunarayanan
  • Biosurfactants Based Biocontrol in Agriculture
    Parthasarathi Rengasamy, Elango Rasavel, Harini Sundaresan, Akash Krishnamoorthy, Kavinilavu Narayanasamy
  • Mitigation of Coir Pith Wastes as Compost and Further Value Addition for Social Benefits
    Parthasarathi Rengasamy, Elango Rasavel, Rajkumar Muth, Lenin Rajendran
  • Similipal Biosphere Reserve (SBR): A General Discussion
    Dr. Debabrata Das, Atmaja Avirupa Das
  • Climate Change-Global Warming-Indian Scenario
    Dr. Rajabhuvaneswari Ariyamuthu
  • Indian Medicinal Plants- An Overview
    Dipu Samanta, Samadrita Deb
  • Macrobrachium Lamarrei: A Jack of all Trades
    Chayan Munshi, Koushiki Bhattacharya
  • Birds of Prey of Agroecosystem
    Dr. Manoj Kumar
  • Biofertilizer – A Potential Approach for Sustainable Agriculture
    Santhanambika M. S., G. Maheswari
  • Indigenous Tribes as Ecopreservers of Blue Mountain
    G. Maheswari, Layana Nelson
  • Evaluation of Biochemical Parameters and Antioxidant Activity of Alpha Terpineol on DMBA Induced Rats
    Valsala P., Gunavathi V., Santhy, K. S.
  • Antitumor Activity of Allicin on Lung Cancer in Benzopyrene Induced Swiss Albino Mice Model
    Gunavathi V., Santhy, K. S., Zeenath



December 30, 2021

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)
