A Glossary of Terms Used in Endocrinology
Glossary, EndocrinologySynopsis
From the very first day of our school life till we complete our PG degree, one or the other must have experienced this awkward situation, that though we find one or few topics uninteresting, and difficult to digest, but for the sake of ourselves and the fear of being scolded from our parents, teachers, we robotically learn all of them and try to achieve fruitful grades. A decade earlier, I was going through all this scenario. Being a UG and PG student in Zoology, I and few of my friends always used to sit for group studies to discuss about our syllabi and the books recommended by our teachers. We always used to complain that there must be a book of a kind which would give a clear and instant picture for the terminologies, which we go through in our text or reference books. A decade back, cell phones and internet was stepping into our life; there was no word like android- which is common and popular today. Hardly, one or two of our friend could access the internet. During this transformation period, our only source of information were text books and the lectures delivered by our professors.