Food and Nutrition
Overview of Nutrition, Six Classes of Nutrients, Calculating Energy Values from Food, Calculation of Bomb Calorimeter, Dietary Necessities, Stable Food, Nutritional Guiding Principle, Digestion, Anatomy of the Digestive System, Colorectal Cancer, Carbohydrates, Recommendations of Sugar Intake for Health, Health Impacts, Types of Diabetes Mellitus, Proteins and Lipids, Functions of Proteins, Food Sources, Fatty Acids, Metabolism, Energy Stability, Body Conformation, Energy Equilibrium, Obesity, Intake Syndromes, Stability of Nutrients in FoodSynopsis
We are happy to present the first edition of Food and Nutrition. The purpose of writing this book is to provide an elementary textbook on Nutrition for students of under-graduate and pre-university courses in Home Science, Food Science, undergraduate course in Agriculture, certificate and diploma courses in Nutrition, Dietetics, open elective course and Food Science in a particular view of the revised syllabi of Indian universities. The science courses studied at the high school level are sufficient background for this course. The book can be useful for the students studying the first course in Food Science and Nutrition. It is important to point out that all the data relating to diets and food requirements in this book is presented from the point of view of Indian conditions and food habits and are collected from statistics prepared by FDA guidelines and by the Indian Council of Medical Research and other bodies. This book focuses on the basic facts and reflects the recent advances in food science.
This book, covers the topic of food and its nutritional principles of diet, the changes in the body that occur due to disease, the altered needs of the body due to disease, and how to meet these through modification of the normal diet. Figures and tables have been used to help visualize practical information.