Molecular Plant Pathology
Plant, Plant Pathology, Pathogenic, Pathogenic Fungus, Pathogen Taxonomy, Plant Disease, Molecular, PCR , DNA, phytopathogenic fungi, FungiSynopsis
Pathogen Profiles of plant pathogenic fungus can be found in Molecular Plant Pathology. Each review includes a brief synopsis of pathogen taxonomy, life cycle, and host range. Disease symptoms and disease management measures may also be given. Useful References and weblinks are listed in chapter. Each chapter to discuss the in detail, presenting the latest research and strategies for future work. Plant pathogenic fungus penetrate the plant in search of food, which they are unable to produce. Biotrophic fungi invade live matter, whereas necrotrophic fungus kill plant cells and extract nutrients from dead plant matter. Many fungi have complex lifecycles that include both sexual and asexual stages that result in spore formation. Once released, these small spores can quickly disperse or remain in the soil for several years, putting future crops at risk. The book discusses plant pathology research, including molecular features such as plant-pathogen interactions. The Book covers research concerning plant pathology, in particular its molecular aspects such as plant-pathogen interactions.