ICT and Exclusive Development
ICT, Smart City, Urbanization, IoT, Broadband, Rural-Urban, Tehnology, Information and Communication Technology, Development, Enabled Transformation, Smart Classroom, Network, Internet, Polytechnic, Vocational Subject, TVE, Teaching, Learning, Impacts of ICT, Society, Daily LifeSynopsis
We are seeing a dramatic shift in society as a result of the rise of information and communications technology (ICT). Nevertheless, despite ICTs' enormous potential, their advantages have not been distributed fairly throughout society as a whole. A fundamental concern for public officials today is how to best use ICTs to promote social inclusion and economic growth. ICTs provide a unique opportunity for poor countries to achieve essential development goals, such as basic healthcare, education, poverty reduction, and democratic reform, among others, in the information and globalisation era. Information and Communication Technologies for Developments (ICT4D) have enormous potential benefits. Through the UN Development Program, the United Nations has actively pushed ICT4D as a significant economic and social development tool. It is the goal of ICT4D to bridge the digital divide and help socioeconomic development by providing equal access to the most current communications technologies. Countries all over the world are rapidly promoting and launching ICT-integrated infrastructure and development initiatives. ICTD4 in underdeveloped nations is discussed in this study.
In the global economy, digitalization is transforming every aspect of human activity, from personal and professional lives to the
world of business. As the number of people and families utilising the Internet rises, so does the number of devices that can connect to the Internet, and so does the frequency with which computers are being used. Individuals are actively using the Internet in a variety of ways, from the more traditional methods of sending and receiving e-mails and making phone/video calls, to the more innovative ones of building websites, doing online banking, and conducting business. The use of cutting-edge information and communication technology is now a part of every aspect of a business.
Using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Rural to Smart Cities
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) –Enabled Transformation into Development
Smart Classroom System Based on Internet of Things Technology
Use of Information and Communication Technology in Teaching of Vocational Subjects in Polytechnic
Impact of Information and Communication Technology for Society
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) –Enabled Transformation into Development