Status of Consumer Rights In 21st Century
Consumer Protection, Insurance Sector, Financial Management, Consumer Empowerment, Consumer Protection Act, Consumer Behaviour, Insurance, Insurance Policies, Economics, Insurance Industry, Online Privacy, Information Privacy, E-Commerce, Artificial intelligence, Regional Rural Banks (RRBs), Rural Development, Economic Growth, Functions of RRBs, Agriculture, NABARD, Branches, Rural Finance, EconomySynopsis
The rules and policies of regulatory bodies from all over the world pertaining to consumer protection are covered in this extensive book. The author examines the various methods to the regulation of advertising, sales practices, credit, and product safety and quality by presenting materials from edited laws, regulations, court decisions, administrative rules, and commission studies. All consumers have certain legal rights, including the right to information, the right to protection, the right to assurance, the right to be heard, the right to seek remedy, and the right of consumer awareness. Now that we have covered the fundamentals of consumer laws—what
constitutes a consumer, what rights every consumer has, and why protecting consumer rights is necessary—we will examine how our consumer laws have changed over time, from the barter system to the current Consumer Protection Act.
Following Chapters are including in Status of Consumer Rights In 21st Century:
1. A Study on Consumer Protection in Insurance Sector
2. Consumer Empowerment in India
3. Study of Consumer Behavior in Insurance Services
4. Privacy of an Online Consumer
5. The Impact of AI on Consumerism
6. Rural Banking Scheme on the Development of Rural Areas (MP Region)
7. Rights in the Insurance Sector in India
A Study on Consumer Protection in Insurance Sector
Consumer Empowerment in India
Study of Consumer Behavior in Insurance Services
Privacy of an Online Consumer
The Impact of AI on Consumerism
Rural Banking Scheme on the Development of Rural Areas (MP Region)
Rights in the Insurance Sector in India