A Laboratory Manual on Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy


Shambhu Swarnakar; Papan Chowhan; Sumi Paul; Arka Pratim Chakraborty; Zerald Tiru; Parimal Mandal


Microscopy, Electron Microscopy Laboratory, Physical Principles, Transmission Electron Microscope, Specimen Preparation for TEM, Ultramicrotomy, Negative Staining, Coating of Grids, Protocol for Specimen Processing, Photographic Unit, Preparation of Reagents


The Laboratory Manual is a simple collection of methods/procedures to conduct research in laboratories by using scanning and transmission electron microscopes that occurred in the mind of the author. The Lab-manual has been designed to give a preliminary idea about the working principles, procedures and techniques related to electron microscopy. The authors try to cover specific laboratory electron microscopy techniques that may be helpful for researchers, working in the field of Biological, Medical, Biomedical and Life Sciences. In the Lab-manual, the subject matter has been presented in a step-by-step systematic manner. Easy, simple and clear understandable illustrations, correct and latest information are the main features of the manual.
The authors have freely consulted various research articles from the various scientific journals in the preparations if the lab-manual in able to make it comprehensive and up to date and to that extent it is not claimed to be an original work. Any worthwhile criticism and suggestions for improvement would be thankfully acknowledged.


October 15, 2022

Details about the available publication format: Buy Book

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Details about the available publication format: pdf


ISBN-13 (15)
