Pest Management Strategies in Pulses and Cereal Crops
Pest Management, Pulses and Cereal Crops, Traditional to Modern Approaches, Detection of Major Pests and Diseases, Prospects and Management, Pearl Millet and Sorghum, Important Diseases in Rice, Specific Symptoms, Rational Remedial Approaches, Nematode Infection, Major Lentil Diseases in Nepal, Symptomology, Epidemiology and Management, Integrated Disease Management of Chickpea, Phytopathogens of Paddy, Eco-Friendly Management, Pigeon Pea Wilt Caused by Fusarium udum, Biorational Approach, Eco-Friendly Approach, Major Insects Pests, Diseases of MoongbeanSynopsis
Introduction of high yielding varieties, expansion in irrigation facilities and indiscriminate use of increased rates of agrochemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides in recent years with a view to increase productivity has resulted in heavy crop losses due to insect pests in certain crops. This situation has risen mainly due to elimination of natural enemies, resurgence of pests, development of insecticide resistance and out-break of secondary pests. With a view to provide the farmers the best planting material available in the world for maximizing productivity per unit area and to encourage the seed industry. Environmental factors are also directly associated with the production, therefore several researchers in the past had made efforts to develop statistical models based on time series data on crop-yield and weather variables for the pre-harvest grain yield forecast. Work-related to survey and surveillance of insect pests and disease across the country should be regularly conducted for getting proper information on changing trends of insect pests and associated losses in different crops including cereals and pulses. To manage the insect pests, it is essential that experts have a thorough knowledge of insectpathogen behavior, life cycle, ioecology, phenology, economic injury level and other factors of insect pests. Management strategies include cultural, mechanical and biological methods that minimize the pest incidence naturally. Insecticides should apply in harmonious, judicious, timely and selective or broad manner. Hence, manage the insect pest and disease by integrating all available techniques which can reduce the pest infestation and cost of cultivation.
The intricacy of the interaction between a pest and its host, influenced by biotic and abiotic factors of the environment, make the control of these disease and insect pest. Both the pest and diseases accounts for decrease in grain density, germination percent, affected seed viability or weight resulting in overall reduction in crop quality and quantity. Therefore, the management practices are still challenging with different aspects. The combination of pest management and safety measure during post-harvest storage will be led towards the better sustainability of these crops. Control measures and management practices consists of use of synthetic pesticides, cultural methods and other mechanical methods. Host plant resistance studies and the biological control are gaining much attention in recent years either to control the diseases or to produce a resistance variety along with new crop cultivation technologies.