Social Structure in The Dharmasastra
Social Structure in The Dharmasastra, Sources of Studies, Brahmans', Structure of Smritis, Status of Kshatriyas in Narada, Brihaspati Smritis, Status of Vaisyas in Social Structure, Sudras in the Social Structure of Smritis, Mixed and Slaverse Social ElementsSynopsis
The present research work is an attempt to probe and analyse the social structure as elaborated by the Dharmashastras. Social structure as depicted in the Dharmashastras appeared to have differed. Besides analyzing the social structure, the present research work also attempts to probe and analyses the social and political condition of India which resulted in influencing the social structures which are mentioned in different smrtis, perdicularly the Narada Smriti and Brhaspati Smriti. An attempt too has been made to compare and contrast the social structure as depicted in the Dharmashastras and in Narada Smriti and Brihaspati Smriti. This research monograph is an attempt to probe and analyse the essential features of social structures as gleaned from the law-books of Narada and Brihaspati. Corroborative evidence from other ancient texts has been taken into account.
The social structure as mentioned in the Narada Smriti and the Social structure as mentioned and celebrated in the Brihaspati Smriti are not radically different. The Dharmashastras as elaborated by Prof. Kane discuss the social structure and social status and also the social and economic obligations of the Brahmanas, Khatriyas, Vaisayas and the sudras. Narada Smriti and Brihaspati Smriti too have elaborated the social status and social obligations of the Brahmanas, Khatriyas, Vaisyas, and sudras in society. How and in what respect they differed, the present research monograph is an attempt to probe and analyse them.
Dharmashastras discussin length the social status of the Brahmanas, the Khatriyas, the Vaisyas, and the Sudras and their respective position in the contemporary social structure. Before analyzing the social status of the Brahmanas, Khatriyas, Vaisyas and Sudras as gleaned from the Dharmashastras and the texts of Smritikaras and as elaborated also in other texts, the present research work attempted to probe and analyses the social and political background of the period under probe.