General Microbiology and Immunology
Microbiology, Immunology, Algae, Protozoa, Bacteria, Staining of Bacteria, Microbial Growth, Classification of Culture Media, Virus, Humoral Immunity, Serological TestsSynopsis
We are extremely pleased to present this book entitled: General microbiology and immunology to all the students who have opted for the subject with great interest in these aspects. This book is an attempt to give a broad coverage on the subject, including the basic necessary information as the subject has steadily progressed during the last couple of years, the book leads to the better understanding microbiology and immunology concepts.
Microbiology is the science that delas with tiny organisms that cannot be seen by naked eye. In generally we used to call this part of science as microbiology and the organisms called microorganisms. These living microorganisms are distributed widely and some of them are beneficial to other animals and some of them are harmful. Among them bacteria are the oldest and the most adaptable forms of life on earth and they are existed for some 3.5 billion years. Immunology is the study of immune responses directed against invading organisms or internal invaders like tumours. The study of immunology underpins many other areas of life science, particularly defence against infection, hypersensitivity states, allergy and immunopathy.
The present book includes the following concepts including: classification of living microorganisms, algae, protozoa, introduction to bacteria, staining of bacteria, microbial growth, culture medias, introduction to virus, introduction to immunology, types of immune systems and some serological test. we hope that this particular book would serve as a primer for the students who needs a good understanding of the basics of microbiology and immunology.