‘Embellish Agribusiness of Farmers by Organic Farming by Using Earthworms Vermicompost & Beneficial Sea & Rock Minerals Together for High Productivity of Chemical-free Nutritive & Health Protective Foods for Society’
Organic Farming, Earthworms Vermicompost, Beneficial Sea, Rock Minerals, Chemical-free Nutritive, Green Revolution, ‘Mixed Blessings’ for Mankind:, Massive Degradation, ‘Nutritive & Health Protective Foods’, ‘Malnutrition’, ‘Nutritive Organic Foods’, Health Protective Food Crops, Protection of Fertile Soil on Earth, ‘Toxic Agrochemicals’, Biology of Earthworms, ‘Purifying the Wastewaters’, ‘Clean Nutritive Water for Farm Irrigation’, ‘Combating the Global Water Crisis’, ‘Wastelands into Fertile Farmlands’, ‘Meals & Medicines’, ‘Safe Bio-Detergents’, Drones in Modern AgricultureSynopsis
In Modern Agriculture, Production & Use of Agrochemicals for High Food Productivity, Development & Use of Modern Instruments, Electricity & Petroleum Products for Land Mowing, Tilling, Irrigating Soils and Harvesting the Crops also had some Adverse Effects on the Environment & Society.
a). Production & Use of Agrochemicals (Chemical Fertilizers & Pesticides)
Although it was essential to use the Agrochemicals (Chemical Fertilizers for Growth of Crops & Chemical Pesticides to Protect them from Pests & Diseases) for high food productivity to feed the fast-growing population of the world & protect from ‘hunger’ & ‘starvation’ it came as a ‘Mixed Blessing’ for the world. It was also termed as ‘Green Revolution’ when it was started in the 1960’s. It adversely affected the Environment & the Agricultural Ecosystems all over world. It badly degraded & destroyed the ‘natural fertility’ of the farm soils & ‘chemically contaminated’ many of the foods produced. About 57 fruits & vegetables grown by the Agrochemicals have been found to be contaminated with the ‘Residual Chemical Pesticides’. As mentioned earlier, several farmers are ‘poisoned’ every year all over the world by the use of Pesticides. Use of Chemical Fertilizers in farms also consumes more water for Farm Irrigation using huge ‘Groundwater Resources’ of Earth which is now fast depleting all over the World.
b). Use of ‘Metals’ & ‘Materials’ for Production of Farm Vehicles and Instruments
In modern times, production of metals like ‘Iron & Steel’, ‘Copper & Aluminium’ are required in large amounts for the production of Machines & Equipments for development of ‘Food Farms’ in the fertile Forested areas by removing the Trees, mowing & tilling the Soils to remove the ‘weeds & grass’. These days ‘Mowing Equipments & Vehicles’ (Tractors) for Soil tilling in Farms are also needed all over the world as the farm soils have become very ‘Hard & Compact’ due to heavy use of Agrochemicals. Equipments are also needed for Farm Irrigation and Harvesting of food crops especially the Cereal crops.
Metals are also required for the construction & development of Human Habitats (Homes), Industries (Producing Consumer Goods, Automobiles and all Transport Systems for the movement of People on Land, in Air and on Waters. Production of metallic equipments also incurs massive Environmental damages in the ‘mining’ for extraction & processing’ of the ‘Iron Ores’ & other metals from the Earth crust due to ‘deforestation’, ‘earth cutting’ & ‘soil erosion’. They also cause massive ‘air & water pollution’ and use of massive groundwater resources which is fast depleting from Earth all over the world. Similarly, massive Environmental damages occur in the production and use of Agrochemicals for Farm productions.
c). High Use of Petroleum Products in Vehicles & Instruments in Farms for Mowing, Tilling, Irrigation and Harvesting
(N.B. Now the Global Promotion of ‘Electric Vehicles’ & use of ‘Clean Hydrogen Fuel’ in Automobiles will also be Used in the Vehicles & Instruments Used in Farms). Currently, Petroleum products (Petrol & Diesel) are used in all the Automobiles, Aeroplanes, Ships & Boats for faster movement of people across the world through Land, Air & Water in Oceans & Rivers. It is essential for the rapid movement of human society in world for their works & day to day activities. Farmers also need them for the operation of Farm Vehicles (Tractors) and in Instruments for ‘Land Mowing’, ‘Soil Tilling’ & ‘Harvesting of Crops’.
Billions are invested in the mining of Petroleum Products and in their drilling equipments. Oil Drilling & Refining of Petroleum products generates huge ‘Toxic Wastes & Pollutants & Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) and contaminates vast land areas. Automobile operated on Petroleum products emit huge ‘Toxic Pollutants’ & GHGs inducing ‘Global Warming & Climate Change’ which is an ‘Apocalyptic Peril’ compared with the ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction’. About 4.3 tons of GHGs are emitted every year by an average Car. Diesel vehicles emit over 100 ‘micro-particles’ several of which are ‘Carcinogenic’. According to United Nation Environment Program (UNEP) over 3 million People in world die every year from Air Pollution related diseases. Polluted air is responsible for increase in Cancer by a third, Infant Mortality by a two-third, Heart ailments by 40% and Miscarriages by half since 1970. Non-cigarette smoker Lung Cancer rate is about 2000 cases each year. Fortunately, for the safe future of society ‘Zero Pollution’ ‘Electric Vehicles’ & ‘Hydrogen Powered’ Automobiles are being promoted now all over world. Man reached on the Moon in 1969 using the ‘Clean Hydrogen Fuel’ in the Space Flights.
Hydrogen has the highest density of Energy per unit of weight. It has much more Energy content (34 kcal/gram) than Coal (7.8 kcal/gm) & Petrol (10.3 – 8.4 kcal/gm) with emission products only as Water Vapor & Nitrogen Oxides. When cooled to a Liquid state it takes up only 1/700 as much space as it does in its gaseous state. Civilization will never run out of Hydrogen as it can be generated from all Waters & also from Organic Wastes. U.S., Australia, India, Japan & Canada are ahead in promoting the ‘Zero-Pollution Vehicles’. They are also operating Hydrogen Powered Buses. The Netherlands, Italy, Germany and U.K. are also taking lead.
d). High Use of ‘Electricity’ to Power & Enlighten the Farms & Operate the Instruments. (N.B. Now the ‘Solar’ & ‘Wind Power Plants’ are being installed in Farms all over the World).
Huge electricity is required everyday to ‘Power & Enlighten’ the Agriculture Farms and to operate the ‘Irrigation Plants & Machines’ in Farms. So far Electricity generated from the ‘Coal Power Plants’ are used in Farms which badly pollutes our ‘Breathing Air’ all over world. Today about 189 ‘Hazardous Chemicals’ have been identified in the atmosphere. It also takes out more ‘Carbon’ from the Earth and put it into the atmosphere which then works as ‘Greenhouse Gas’. Billions are invested in the mining of Coals. Many nations in the world including India & Australia are now closing their ‘Coal Power Plants’. Similarly, multi-billions are invested in the mining of ‘Uranium’ & development of ‘Nuclear Power Plants’. They emit more dangerous ‘Radioactive Elements’ in the environment. Many nations in the world including Australia & India have closed their Nuclear Power Plants after the ‘Nuclear Disasters’ in some nations.
Promotion of ORGANIC FARMING will only Resolve all the Above Environmental Problems & Help the FARMERS & Society to Live Safely
Organic Farming is a unique ‘Agribusiness’ for the Farmers (Feeders of the Nations) giving them opportunity to work with ‘Mother Nature’. The need for improved ‘Organic Farming’ skills has been identified as crucial for the Farmers to maintain the sustainability of their Agribusiness and also protect their health. Today the Farmers all over world have to deal with increasingly complex issues for their Farming & Food Production such as ‘Use of Toxic Agrochemicals’ to ‘Fertilize the Farm Soil’ & for the Control of ‘Pests & Diseases’, ‘Depleting Groundwater Resources’ and the ‘Changing Quality & Quantity of Water’ needed for ‘Farm Irrigation’, ‘Degrading Farm Soil & Deteriorating Their Natural Fertility’, ‘Impacts of Climate Change’, ‘Growth of Glyphosate-resistant Weeds in Farms’, ‘Uncertain Commodity Prices’ & ‘Increasing Prices of Farm Inputs’.
Now ‘Solar’ & ‘Wind Power Plants’ are being promoted all over world to generate Electricity with ‘no pollution’. Agriculture Farms have also become very suitable place for installation of ‘Solar Panels’ & ‘Wind Power Plants’ due to large open areas with brighter sunshine & higher wind intensity blowing for longer time. Many farmers in world are now installing ‘Solar Panels’ & ‘Wind Power Plants’ in their Farms to generate Electricity for use in their Farms without any problems in Agriculture Production. This has been termed as ‘Agrovoltaics’. They are supplying their excess electricity generated to the local Govt.with good returns. This is further embellishing their ‘Agribusiness’ & boosting their Economy.
Modern Solar Panels generate 260 kWh of Electricity, paying back the cost within few years & then becomes free for Electricity generation. It is also ‘maintenance free’. Australian Farmers reported 170 % return on investments they make on installation of Solar Panels in their Farms. Photovoltaic ‘Solar Farms’ using 12.5 square km of land can supply Electricity to whole of Australia for one year. Organic Farmers in world will become producers of ‘Chemical-free Foods’ & generators of ‘Pollution-free Energy’. But, even in the promotion of ‘Organic Farming’ in World operation of some of the above developmental activities will be needed for Global Agriculture.
These are-
1). For the production of ‘Metals’ for development of Farming Vehicles & Equipments, generation of ‘Electricity’ to power the Farms & Equipments;
2). Use of Petroleum Products for the Farm Vehicles used for ‘Land Mowing’ & ‘Milder Soil Tilling’ as the Farm Soils becomes very soft by the use of Organic Fertilizers especially the Earthworms Vermicompost. Earthworms also regularly burrow the Soils by their movement making them soft & aerated. Also, less irrigation of water will be required as the ‘Moisture Holding’ capacity of the soils
significantly increases by use of Vermicompost.
But once there is 100 % promotion of ‘Solar & Wind Power’ Plants, ‘Electric’ & ‘Hydrogen Powered’ Vehicles all over the World, Organic Farming will become a ‘Blessing’ for the Farmers & the Global Human Society. Production & use of Metallic Equipments will also become much safer. Farmlands where we grow our foods are the basis of survival of mankind on Earth & the Farmers are our ‘feeders’ sent by God. Former Prime Minister of India Sir Lal Bahadur Shashtri highly appreciated the Farmers of World as the ‘Feeders of Nations’ and gave the slogan ‘Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan’ highlighting the role of Farmers like the ‘Army of Nations’ to protect the Society.
About 99.7% of ‘human foods’ comes from the Farmlands, which is shrinking by more than 10 million hectares every year due to ‘Soil Degradation & Erosion’. The growing ‘Natural Disasters’ due to ‘Global Warming & Climate Change’ are also destroying the Farmlands all over the world by ‘heavy rainfalls’ & ‘leaching of soils’. In 1950 there were 2 million acres of Agricultural land in the World. Today, there is less than 600,0000 acres. Every year, nearly 27 million hectares of ‘Fertile Soil’ is lost. 30 % of the Worlds ‘arable lands’ has become ‘unproductive’. Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) has warned that World's Soil was degrading so fast that after 30 years it may not be able to feed its growing population. In U.S. it is costing the Nation & the Farmers the losses of about US $ 37.6 billion each year in ‘food productivity’. Worldwide the economic losses incurred by the Farmers (Feeders of the global human society) due to lower ‘food productivity’ is estimated to be about $ 400 billion per year.
Dr. Norman Ernest Borlaug was a Nobel Laureate American agronomist who initiated the ‘Green Revolution’ worldwide in the 1960s in Mexico. Indian Agriculture Scientist Prof. M.S. Swaminathan collaborated with Sir Norman Borlaug & spearheaded a mass movement with farmers in India towards the goal of ‘Green Revolution’. The high yielding varieties of Wheat and Rice developed by Dr. Swaminathan and Dr. Borlaug were the foundation of the Green Revolution. It saved many underdeveloped & developing countries from certain famine-like conditions in the 1960s. The term ‘Green Revolution’ to enhance the high productivity of Foods by use of Agrochemicals to feed the growing population on Earth was coined by the great U.S. Agriculture Scientist Prof. William Gaud in 1968. However, the Agrochemicals which ushered in the ‘Green Revolution’ in the late 1960’s came as a ‘mixed blessing’ for mankind. Use of Agrochemicals over the years increased the ‘Quantity’ of foods but decreased its ‘Nutritional Quality’ essential for ‘Good Health’, ‘High Strength & Vitality’. It also destroyed the ‘Physical & Bio-chemical Properties’ of the farm soil reducing the ‘Essential Minerals’ & ‘Beneficial Microbes’ important for increasing the ‘Natural Fertility’ of the Soil.
Excessive use of Chemical Fertilizers also results in loss of ‘humic contents’ in the Farm Soil which is essential for formation and development of ‘roots’ in plants and ‘plant growth’. Food productivity is declining while the cost of Agrochemicals is rising, increasing the cost of ‘Food Production’ with ‘Diminishing Returns’ to the Farmers.
Adverse effects of overuse of Agrochemicals and its hazardous impacts on the human health and the environment is being felt now. According to United Nation Environment Program (UNEP) & World Health Organization (WHO) some 25 million Farmers and Agricultural workers are ‘Poisoned’ by ‘Chemical Pesticides’ & some 10–20,000 people in world die every year from it. Several Fruits & Vegetables grown by Agrochemicals have been found with some ‘Residual Pesticides’. U.S. Scientists predict that up to 20,000 Americans may die of Cancer, each year, due to them. Global Chemical Agriculture also emits some 33.3 % of the ‘Green House Gases’ (Carbon Dioxide, Methane & Nitrous Oxide) into the atmosphere inducing ‘Global Warming & Climate Change’. It is all due the the production & use of Agrochemicals & aggressive ‘Plowing’ (Soil Tilling) as the Farm Soils becomes hard due to heavy use of Agrochemicals. When water mixes with ‘Nitrogenous Fertilizer’ and there are is no Crops in the farm to absorb it, there is huge emission of ‘Nitrous Oxide’ which is over 300 times more powerful GHG than Carbon Dioxide with much greater Warming potential.There are approximately 720 billion tones of Carbon (C) in our atmosphere. 60 million tons of Carbon is added annually from Soil when the farmlands are plowed, releasing ‘Organic Carbon’ into the air. According to Australian Greenhouse Office (AGO), Australia has 473 million hectares of Agricultural land & emitted 537 million tons of CO2-e(equivalent) of GHG in 2009. Chemical Farming is proving highly destructive for the Environment & Society, especially the Farmers all over the world. ‘Strength & Vitality’ of people in the World is also reducing due to eating of Chemically grown foods with ‘Poor Nutritional Quality’ and many ‘Health
Problems’ including ‘Cancers’ & ‘Heart Diseases’ are increasing even in the ‘Rich Society’ who can afford to eat the best foods from the market. According to World Health Organization (WHO) over 35,000,000 people in the World are suffering from ‘Arthritis’ & ‘Muscle Pains’. According to the ‘United States Soil Conservation Department’ (USSCD), U.S. produces more foods than any other nations in the World with enough foods for the society to eat, yet 40 % people suffers from ‘Malnutrition’ as the foods do not have enough essential ‘Minerals’ & ‘Vitamins’ to keep them healthy. The cause of all these ‘Human Health Problems’ due to the ‘Depleting Soil Minerals’ & ‘Chemicals in the Foods’ has been scientifically confirmed now. In January 1968, even before the term ‘Green Revolution’ was coined by Prof. William Gaud, the great Indian Agriculture Scientist, Prof. M. S. Swaminathan, proudly acknowledged as ‘Father of Indian Agriculture’ in his Presidential Address at the ‘Indian Science Congress’ drew attention towards the ‘adverse consequences’ of the excessive use & applications of ‘Agrochemicals’ in Farms and showed the world the pathway to ‘Ever-green Revolution’ for achieving higher productivity of ‘Nutritive Foods’ without damaging the farm soil & harming the farmers. This is a
system of Agriculture that involves the use & sustainable management of ‘natural resources’ of Earth (beneficial minerals & microbes from the green plants & soil animals, excreta of farm animals & minerals from oceans & rocks) for enrichment of ‘soil fertility’, ‘farm biodiversity’ and enhancement of ‘food productivity’ with their ‘nutritional quality’. The ‘International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movement’ (IFOAM) has defined ‘Organic Agriculture’ as all Agricultural Systems that promote the ‘Environmentally’, ‘Economically’ and ‘Socially’ safe & sustainable production of ‘Foods & Fibers’. Hence, the only solution is promotion of ‘Organic Farming’ for which the World Farmers have to go back on the systems of ‘Traditional Agriculture’. But now more powerful ‘Organic Fertilizers’ can be produced by Vermicomposting of all human ‘Organic Wastes’ by the waste-eaters Earthworms whom the great visionary Scientist of World Sir Charles Darwin in the 18th Century called them as ‘Unheralded Soldiers of Mankind & the Friends of Farmers Working Day & Night Under the Soil’. Organic Farming promoted by Fertilization of Soil by ‘Earthworms & its Vermicompost (produced from the Organic Wastes - Food, Farm & Green Wastes) & Mineralization of Soil by ‘Sea & Rock Minerals’ will provide ‘High
Growth & Productivity of Food Crops’, ‘Resistant’ against ‘Pests & Diseases’, producing ‘Nutritive Foods’ with ‘High Quantity & Quality’ rich in ‘Proteins’, ‘Vitamins’ & ‘Minerals’ for ‘Good Health’ with ‘High Strength & Vitality’ in people.
Earthworms derive their name from ‘Earth’ meaning ‘Soil’. They occupy over 80% of the Invertebrates soil animals in the Terrestrial Ecosystem and are the largest members of Oligochaetor ‘Segmented Worms’. They play essential roles as ‘Waste Managers’ (managing both Solid Wastes & Wastewaters of Society by converting them into ‘Useful Resources’ for the Farmers), ‘Soil Managers’, ‘Soil Fertility Improvers’, and ‘Growth Promoters of Food Crops’ in our Global Ecosystem. The ancient Greek Philospher Sir Aristotle (384 – 322 BC) globally acknowledged as ‘Father of Biology’, described Earthworms as the ‘Intestines of the Earth’ for their ability to feed on the soil and enrich them with ‘humus’ which is high in ‘organic matters’ and ‘beneficial soil microbes’.Humic substances in the soil also help in the development of ‘roots’ in plants. The Ancient Indian Horticulture Scientist Sir Surpala way back in the 10th Century, wrote a book in Hindi ‘Vrikshayurveda’ (‘Science of Tree Growing’) where he mentioned to ‘Use Earthworms to get Good
Quality of Fruits of Pomogranate’ educating the world about the ‘Food Productivity’ values of Earthworms.
In 2004, the great Russian Vermiculture Scientist Sir Anatoly Igonin wrote that –‘No one and Nothing can be compared with the Earthworms. They are the Creators of the Soil. They are ‘Disinfecting’, ‘Neutralizing’, ‘Protective’ and ‘Productive’ Organisms on Earth’. The great Vermiculture Scientist of India Prof. Radha Kale has called Earthworms as ‘Nature’s Quiet and Biggest Gift to Civilization for Safe & Healthy Living’. Earthworms also changes the biochemical properties of the farm soils contaminated with ‘chemical pesticides’ or ‘heavy metals’ due to massive use of Agrochemicals. They overcome the human-triggered heavy metals and pesticides pollutions. They also have the ability to eliminate the ‘hydrocarbons’ and several ‘toxic chemicals’ from the soils. (Srut et al. 2019; Sanchez-Hernandez, 2019).
Earthworms can bio-degrade all ‘Organic Wastes’ (Municipal & Industrial) into Vermicompost (Nutritive Organic Fertilizer) for the Farmers. This they do by multiple actions - grinding them by ‘Muscular Action’ followed by breaking them by ‘Enzymatic Action’ and then by decomposing them by the ‘Decomposer Microbes’ which are proliferated by the Earthworms in the Composting System. The enzymes present in the Earthworm gut play a major role in Vermicomposting of Organic Wastes (Ravindran et al. 2016). Guts of Earthworms are storehouse of ‘Microbial Flora’. Given the optimum ‘temperature and moisture’ the Earthworms enhances ‘Bio-degradation’ and ‘Decomposition’ of Organic Wastes from 60 to 80%. Each Earthworm eats the ‘Waste Materials’ at least 8 times & leaves the end-products free of all Chemicals.
Vermicomposting of Organic Wastes by Earthworms has been a technology of ‘Sustainable Management’ of ‘Human Wastes’ while also reducing the emission of ‘GREENHOUSE GASES’ (GHGs) and significantly improving the levels ‘Soil Organic Carbons’ (SOC) in the farm soils by use of Vermicompost as Organic Fertilizers in farms. It will also lead to significant increase of ‘Soil Fertility & Crop
Productivity’. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2000) recognized that ‘Carbon (C) Sequestration’ in Soils by addition of ‘Composts’ as one of the possible measures through which the ‘Greenhouse Gas’ Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere inducing ‘GLOBAL WARMING & CLIMATE CHANGE’ can be reduced. According to the reports of ‘Climate Council of Australia’ Climate Change is also affecting the ‘Mental Health’ of Society all over world. They also recommended Vermicomposting of Wastes by Earthworms as one of the beneficial measures for managing ‘Human Wastes’ with significantly ‘Low Emission’ of GHGs. Hence, Earthworms & its Vermicompost can play a good role in the strategy of Greenhouse Gas reduction & Mitigation of ‘Global Warming & Climate Change’
which is inducing Natural Disasters & affectinmg the ‘Brain & Mental Health’ of Society all over world.
Earthworms can also Purify (Disinfect & Detoxify) the ‘Wastewaters’ (Municipal & Industrial) & make them ‘Nutritive’ (rich in NKP) to be used by the Farmers for Farm Irrigation helping them in fighting the ‘Water Crisis’ they are facing today due to the ‘Global Warming & Climate Change’ and the fast depleting ‘Groundwater Resources’ all over the world. Farm Irrigation by Vermifiltered ‘Clean & Nutritive Water’ by Earthworms will also give high ‘Food Productivity’ to the Farmers without the use of any Fertilizer & embellish their Agri-Business. In an Indian study on Rice crops the average seed count was 371 in single branch as compared to only 176 in Rice grown on normal water. Earthworms are also tolerant to many ‘Chemical Contaminants’ including ‘Heavy Metals’ and ‘Organic Pollutants’ in the Soil. They can ‘Bio-accumulate’ & ‘Bio-degrade’ or ‘Bio-transform’ the Chemicals in the chemically contaminated Soils. They can remove the ‘Heavy Metals’, ‘Pesticides’ & ‘Lipophilic Organic Micro-pollutants’ from the Soil in the Wastelands & Vermiremediate the Soil into ‘Clean’ & even ‘Fertile Soil’ (rich in beneficial minerals & microbes) to be used for farming by the farmers. Being ‘bisexual organisms’ Earthworms reproduce very fast. They produce upto 3 Cocoons every week & from every Cocoon about 10-12 tiny Worms emerge. Huge ‘Earthworms Biomass’ are generated during all the Vermiculture processes (Vermicomposting, Vermifiltration & Vermiremediation Systems) which are very useful for the Farmers & Society both Socially, Economically & Environmentally.
Humans have also used the Earthworms as ‘Foods’ & ‘Medicines’ since time immemorial. They are organisms of ‘High Nutritional’ value containing complete ‘Proteins’, ‘Peptides’, essential ‘Amino Acids’, ‘Carbohydrates’, essential ‘Long-Chain Fatty Acids’ and wide range of ‘Trace Elements’, ‘Enzymes,’ ‘Vitamins’ & ‘Antioxidants’. They are also considered as an ideal animal for obtaining ‘High Protein’ feed materials for Cattles, Poultry & Fishes. They are rich in Protein (64-72 % by dry weight) with 70-80 % high quality essential amino acids ‘Lysine’ & ‘Methionine’ which are ‘low amino acids’ in most ‘Human Foods & Cattle Feeds’. Proteins are very important for ‘Growth’, ‘Good Health’ and ‘Development’ of Human Body. It also increases the ‘Body Resistance’ against diseases and reduces the incidences of many diseases. Earthworms have ‘Innate Defense Mechanisms’ & ‘Strong Immune System’ protected from Bacteria, Fungi, Protozoa, Virus & Parasites etc. They have been used in the ‘Traditional Medicine’ for thousands of years in India (as Ayurvedic Medicine) and in many parts of the World for the treatment of many human diseases such as ‘Inflammation of Body Parts’,‘Abdominal Pains’, ‘Rheumatism’, ‘Arthritis’, ‘Mumps’ and ‘Measles’. ‘Folk Medicine’ also used them in the treatment of ‘Cancer’, ‘Ulcers’, ‘Diarrhea’, ‘Fever’, ‘Dysentery’, ‘Hypertension’, ‘Smallpox’, ‘Dental Problems’, ‘Headache’, ‘Fever’, ‘Asthma’, ‘Chronic Cough’, ‘Jaundice’ & ‘Wound Healing’. They are also finding new uses in ‘Modern Medicine’ in the treatment of ‘Heart Diseases’ and several types of ‘Cancers’ and in the production of ‘Antibiotics’ from the ‘Anti-pathogenic’ Ceolomic fluid. No wonder why the great Indian Scientist Prof. Sultan Ismail gave the Earthworms the status of a ‘Doctor’ protecting the ‘Health’ of people on Earth.
Nutritional & Medicinal properties of Earthworms will make them excellent sources of ‘Dietary Supplements’ for human beings and will help the Farmers & also the Organizations promoting Vermiculture to produce ‘Earthworms Biomass’ & expand the market of ‘Vermi-Meals’ & ‘Vermi-Medicines’ in world embellishing their Agri-Business. In 1929, Sir Robert McCarrison in British India had observed that the people in the ‘Himalayan Mountain Valley’ growing Foods by irrigating with water flowing from the Mountain Rocks always lived ‘Healthy’ with ‘High Strength’ and ‘Longevity’. People of Hunza valley in the Himalayan region ‘never get sick’. They ‘live long’ with ‘high strength & vitality’. They irrigate their Farm Soil by Water from the Glacier containing ‘Rock Minerals’. He suggested the Farmers all over world to use ‘Rock Minerals’ in Farm Soils to grow ‘Nutritive’ & ‘Health Protective’ Foods. U.S. Medical Scientist Dr. Maynard Murray (1900-1982) found that in the Sea Animals diseases like ‘Arthritis’, ‘Arteriosclerosis’ and even ‘Cancer’ & ‘Aging’ never existed on a cellular level. They were all living healthy with the intake of ‘Feed Materials’ from the Sea. He educated the Farmers about ‘Mineralising the Farm Soils’ with ‘Sea Minerals’ to produce ‘Health Protective Nutritive Foods’ to give ‘High Strength & Vitality’ to people after he observed the Sea Animals living virtually ‘Disease-Free’. Most Crops require an average of 40 mineral elements from the soil for healthy growth. Both Sea Water & Rocks have about 90-100 mineral elements. Chemical Fertilizers only give 6 mineral elements.
Earthworms Vermicompost also contains 13 ‘essential minerals’ with beneficial ‘soil microbes’ which help plants to absorb the ‘Minerals’ by their roots. The ‘Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria’ & ‘Phosphate Solubilising Bacteria’ in the soil help the plants to absorb & bio-accumulate Nitrogen (N) & Phosphorus (P) by changing them in their ‘bio-available’ forms necessary for absorption by roots. ‘Soil Minerals’ are also necessary for the function of ‘Soil Microbes’. In studies in USA, Australia & India, Sea Minerals produced 29 Kg of Wheat compared to 20 Kg by Chemical Fertilizer. Proteins in the Grains increased to 9 %. Vermicompost increased growth & yield by over 35 % and lifted Proteins by 12 %. In the Corn, Phosphorous increased by 57%, Potassium by 90 %, Calcium by 47 % & Magnesium by 60 %. In 2010, Dr. Hugh McLaughlin in an ‘International Conference’ in Birmingham (U.K.) also recommended to add Charcoal (named as Biochar) in the Farm Soil to restore its ‘Natural Fertility’. It is produced from all kinds of ‘Biomass’ - Wood, Manure, Leaves, Straw, Cornstalks, Rice Hulls or any burnable Organic Wastes. Once added in the Soil, it can stay there for Centuries maintaining the Soil Fertility & giving good Crop Productivity. It is just one-time investment for Farmers. It also increases the ‘Water Holding’ & ‘Mineral Retention’ capacity of the Soils. It also promotes the activities of ‘Earthworms’ in Soil, help in the proliferation of ‘Beneficial Soil Microbes’ & increases ‘Nitrogen Fixation’. Biochar in soils also works to store ‘Carbon’ in the soil reducing the emissions ‘Carbon Dioxide’ which works as ‘Greenhouse Gas’ inducing Global Warming & Climate Change.
Today, all over world people are taking ‘Nutritional Supplements’ especially Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), Zinc (Zn), Potassium (K), Selenium (Se), Iron (Fe), Vitamins C & D etc. to maintain Good Health with ‘High Strength’ & ‘Vitality’. Only ‘Organic Farming’ by Fertilization of Soil by the ‘Earthworms’ & its ‘Vermicompost’ & Mineralization by ‘Sea & Rock Minerals’ can save & sustain the Civilization in good health on Earth. It will also reduce ‘Soil Degradation’, maintain high ‘Minerals’ & ‘Microbes’ in Soil & enrich the Foods with ‘Health Protective Nutritive Elements’. Value of ‘Organic Foods’ is now growing all over World. It significantly enhanced the Agri-Business of Farmers in U.S. which surpassed $13.8 billion in 2005.