Current Trends and Advances in Agricultural Sciences
Hidden hunger, Biofortification, Genetic improvement, Genetic engineering, Micronutrients, Climate change, Food security, Next-generation breeding, Genomics, Genome editing, CRISPR/Cas, Abiotic stress, Crop Improvement, Agriculture, Diversification, Income doubling, Integrated Weed Management, Polymer Coated Fertilizers, Modern Agriculture, Molecular Breeding, Current Scenario in Crop Improvement, Reverse Breeding, Accelerated Breeding Approach, Insect Pollinators, Insect Resistance, BT Toxins, Bioremediation, r Contaminated Soil for Sustainability, Environmental Stability, Sustainable Pest Management, Seed Crops, Artificial Intelligence, Agricultural MarketingSynopsis
"Current Advances and Trends in Agricultural Sciences" is a comprehensive and up-to-date book that delves into the cutting-edge developments and emerging trends in the field of agricultural sciences. This book serves as a valuable resource for researchers, scholars, students, and professionals in the agricultural industry who seek to understand and contribute to the latest advancements in this critical field. Agriculture is a foundational pillar of human civilization. Since the dawn of history, it has been the lifeblood of societies, providing sustenance, livelihoods, and the raw materials for countless industries. Yet, in our modern world, agriculture is anything but static. It is a dynamic and multifaceted field that continually adapts to the demands of a growing global population, environmental challenges, and technological advancements. Each chapter features case studies, real-world examples, and contributions from leading experts in the respective fields. "Current Advances and Trends in Agricultural Sciences" not only provides a snapshot of the current state of agricultural research but also offers insights into the direction in which this dynamic field is heading. It is a must-read for anyone interested in the sustainable and innovative future of agriculture.
This book aims to encapsulate the breadth and depth of agricultural sciences in a comprehensive and accessible manner. We recognize the diverse audience that agriculture attracts, from agronomists to economists, from biotechnologists to policymakers, and from environmentalists to consumers. With this diversity in mind, we have crafted this book to be a valuable resource for all. Each chapter is written by experts in their respective fields, providing in-depth insights, research findings, and practical knowledge. Furthermore, we have strived to present this information in a way that is engaging, informative, and thought-provoking.
Biofortification: Process to Overcome the Nutrient Deficiency
Novel Plant Breeding Techniques: A Solution to Climate Change
Integrated Farming System for Doubling Farmers’ Income
Integrated Weed Management – A Step towards Sustainability
Polymer Coated Fertilizers and Their Scope in Modern Agriculture
Molecular Breeding and Its Current Scenario in Crop Improvement
Reverse Breeding: An Accelerated Breeding Approach
Impact of Climate Change on Insect Pollinators
Insect Resistance to BT Toxins and Its Management
Bioremediation: A Remedy for Contaminated Soil for Sustainability and Environmental Stability
IPM: An Approach towards Sustainable Pest Management
Post-Harvest Technology of Seed Crops
Role of Artificial Intelligence in Agricultural Marketing