Protect The Environment Or Perish Environmental Education for The Global Human Society To Protect The Environment For Survival & Safe Living In World
Environmental Contaminants, Unseen Culprits, Exploring the Chemicals in Our Food, Sustainable Development in Nations, Economic Development, Environment Protection, Water Pollution, Air and Soil Pollution, Water Pollutants, Human Health and Environment, Environmental Education, The Global Human SocietySynopsis
There are numerous reasons why we should aspire to live more sustainably and safeguard the environment. The cornerstone for preserving our planet, communities, and economy is environmental protection. Our ecosystems can flourish and thrive because our environment supports and houses them. We will endanger the lives of humans, animals, plants, and others if we do not protect our environment. Our environment's ecosystems are intricately linked. To protect our ecosystem, we must protect them all. After all, we rely on nature to provide our most fundamental needs. Protecting the environment entails paying our fair share in order to provide chances for future generations. Natural resources are depleting, and we must develop more sustainable lifestyles to support future generations. The Supreme Court of India mandates environmental education, which is administered by the National Council of Education Research and Training (NCERT). NCERT's National Curriculum Framework has a "Protection of the Environment" component. Distance learning, in-service teacher training, conferences, nature camps, and environmental courses are all options for educators seeking EE professional development.
The natural surrounds and conditions in which we live are referred to as our environment. Unfortunately, the environment is under severe attack. Human activity is almost completely to blame for this problem. These human actions have undoubtedly caused significant environmental damage. Most importantly, this destruction jeopardises the survival of all living beings on Earth. As a result, there is a pressing need to safeguard the environment. Today, when environmental conditions are deteriorating and all living beings are suffering as a result of the negative effects of pollution and climate change, there is a need to reorient the curriculum of environmental education to make it more appealing and responsive to local environmental issues. Furthermore, relevant policies have to be changed in order to educate individuals, particularly high school and college students, about environmental challenges.
Environmental Contaminants
The Unseen Culprits: Exploring the Chemicals in Our Food
Promoting “Sustainable Development in Nations, for their Economic Development with Environment Protection” will only make the World a Safe Place to Live with Happiness for the Society
Water, Air and Soil Pollution
Water Pollutants and Their Impacts On Human Health and Environment
Environmental Education for The Global Human Society