Financial Accounting B.Com. (Gen, A&F, CS, CA)
Management, Measures, Accounting, accounting cycle, recording of transactions, Identification, results, liabilities, assets, Journal Entries, Accounting Conventions, Trial Balance, JOURNAL & LEDGER, Cash Book, Gross profit, Trading Account, Profit & Loss Account, Adjustments, error of principle, Rectification, compensation errors, Average Due Date, Working Notes, Error of posting, Double machinerySynopsis
It is a matter of great pleasure to present the book on Financial Accounting B.Com. (Gen, A&F, CS, CA) to the Students and Teachers of Bachelor of Management and studies started by University of Dr. M.G. R. Educational and Research Institute. This book is written on lines of syllabus instituted by the university.
The book uses clear, persuasive language to convey its subject. This book is specifically made to appeal to students majoring in accounting as well as those not, introducing them to the fundamentals of accounting in approachable ways that will help them develop a solid foundation that they can use in a variety of business fields. Every chapter begins with a realistic scenario that can be related to by today's college students. Each chapter contains carefully crafted examples that let students expand on their growing accounting knowledge. Applying links to more intricate business processes helps to further solidify concepts.
In order to prevent disagreements over the precise scope of the syllabus, each chapter's contents are listed in the syllabus. The text adheres to the syllabus's term-by-term, chapter-by-topic format. In order to provide students with a simplified explanation of the subject, we decided to leave the section text and rules exactly as they are and then add comments. Any potential misunderstanding may have arisen while attempting to explain in a simplified manner.
This book is a unique presentation of subject matter in an orderly manner. This is a student-friendly book and tutor at home. We hope the teaching faculty and the student community will find this book of great use.
We are extremely grateful to Mrs. Rajani Adam of Kripa Drishti Publications, Pune for their devoted and untiring personal attention accorded by them to this publication.