Mechanistic Investigation of Oxidation of Aliphatic Ketone Semicarbazones by Chloramine-T in Aqueous Acetic Acid Medium
Introduction, Experimental Methodology, List of Tables, Results and Discussion, Summary, Oxidation, Investigation of Oxidation, Aliphatic Ketone Semicarbazones, Chloramine-T, Aqueous Acetic Acid Medium, Semicarbazide, Semicarbazones, Materials, Propanonesemicarbazone, Butanone Semicarbazone, 3-Pentanone Semicarbazone, Semicarbazide hydrochloride, Kinetic Runs, Activation Parameters, Polymerisation Tests, Acrylamide, Investigation Of Stoichiometry, Product Analysis, Effect of oxidant, Effect of perchloric acid, Effect of substrate, Effect of ionic strength, solvent composition, structural variation on reactionSynopsis
Chloramine-T (CAT), the sodium salt of N-chloro-p-toluenesulphonamide, is a low-cost mild oxidizing agent with a wide range of uses. Most importantly, it can be used in acidic, neutral, and basic conditions. As a result, it has been widely used in chemistry, particularly in organic synthesis and analytical chemistry. Chloramine-T acts as a source of halonium cation and nitrogen anion and thus acts as base and nucleophile. It reacts with a wide range of functional groups and carries different molecular transformations. This book focuses on the studies of kinetics of oxidation of some aliphatic ketone semicarbazones by chloramine –T and also has been investigated with a view to propose suitable mechanism, rate law and correlate the reactivity of various substrates with their structures.