Recent Advances in Research of Bacterial Endophytes and their Roles as Ameliorators of Abiotic and Biotic Stresses
Research of Bacterial Endophytes, Ameliorators of Abiotic, Biotic Stresses, Endophytic Microbes, Abiotic and Biotic, Agricultural, Environmental Sustainability, Bacterial Endophytes in Agriculture, Plant Growth, Promoting Bacterial Endophytes, Recent Developments, Applications, Biotic and Abiotic Components, Biodiversity, Beneficial Microbes, Review of Literature, Objectives, Research Methodology, Result and Discussion, Classification of Endophyte, Plant Protection, Biocontrol, Plant Pathogens, Abiotic and Biotic Factors, Future PerspectiveSynopsis
Maize plants use a variety of strategies to gain adaptive advantages in varying conditions, such as the ability to tolerate abiotic stress (e.g., drought or heat due to climate change) in order to grow, reproduce, and defend themselves. Creating relationships with bacteria that encourage plant growth is one of these tactics. Plants can have bacteria attached to them as endophytes, rhizospheres, or rhizoplanes.
Microbial endophytes are symbionts that live within plant tissues and do not cause disease symptoms in their host plants. They have been the subject of recent research due to their ability to promote plant growth and their advantageous roles in the responses of plants to abiotic stress. This study focuses on the vital role that endophytic bacteria play in plant health and the various ways in which they stimulate plant tolerance to abiotic stress. Through the production of secondary active compounds that shield plants from pathogens like insects and fungi, the endophytic microbial community can promote plant growth. Additionally, endophytes can produce extracellular enzymes that are essential for the colonisation of endophytes within their host plants. Microbial endophytes can break down dangerous compounds to allow plants to grow in contaminated soils, and they can also act as agents that promote plant growth by producing phytohormones. Through a variety of strategies, endophytes control plant growth in challenging environments like salinity, drought, temperature, heavy metal stress, and nutrient stress. This book might present fresh ideas for using endophytic inoculants in agricultural settings to counteract abiotic stresses and boost crop productivity worldwide.
Current Scenario of Endophytic Microbes: Promising Candidates for Abiotic and Biotic Stress Management for Agricultural and Environmental Sustainability
Role of Bacterial Endophytes in Agriculture: Present Status and Future Perspectives
Plant Growth-Promoting Bacterial Endophytes
Bacterial Endophytes: Recent Developments and Applications
The Role of Biotic and Abiotic Components in Biodiversity