Basics of Python Programming
Python Programming, Basics of Python Programming, Introduction, Literals, Variables, Operators, Advantages of Python, Control Structures, Decision Making Statements, Python Loops, Control Statement, Data Types, Numeric data type, String, List, Tuples, Dictionary, Set, Boolean, Functions, Files, Object Oriented Programming, Pass by value, Pass by reference, Anonymous Function, Open a file function, Read/write operation, Close file function, class, objectsSynopsis
Python Programming is one of the vital programming languages for engineering students. This book will introduce you to the Python programming language in a simple manner. It’s aimed at beginning programmers, but even if you’ve written programs before and just want to add Python to your list of languages, Basics of Python Programming will get you started. This book attempts to provide a simple explanation about the concepts of Python programming language with brief theory and a greater number of examples to illustrate the theoretical concepts. The contents presented in the book are very crisp and concise so that students are able to understand the concepts quickly. This book is for anybody interested in learning what seems to be emerging as the world’s most popular computing language, whether or not you have learned any programming before. This book is structured into the following chapters.
Chapter 1: Introduction, Literals, Variables and Operators
Chapter 2: Control Structures
Chapter 3: Functions, Files and Object-Oriented Programming
I have made a sincere and honest effort to transform my handwritten notes into book form.