Environment and Climate Change
Environment, Natural Resources, Ecosystems, Biodiversity, Conservation Introduction, Environmental Pollution, Earth’s Atmosphere, Circulation, Meteorology, Atmospheric Stability, Chemistry, Global Warming, Climate Change, Ozone Layer, Environmental Policy, Agreements, Environmental Policies & Practices, Forest Resources, Timber Extraction, Water Resource, Minerals Resources, Food Resources, Energy Resources, Land as a Resource, Consumers and Decomposers, Energy Flow of Ecosystem, Ecological Succession, Food Chains, Ecological Pyramids, Grasslands, Desert Ecosystem, Aquatic Ecosystem, Bio Geographic Classification of India, Poaching of Wildlife, Man - Wildlife Conflict, Conservation of Biodiversity, Air Pollution, Water Pollution, Nuclear Pollution, Human Health Risk Assessment, Solid Waste Management, Earth’s Energy Balance, Greenhouse Effect, Movement of Air MassSynopsis
The environment consists of the air, water, and land as well as the interactions between them, humans, other living things, plants, microorganisms, and property. Globally, the environment affects the health of people, animals, and plants. Because of our superior intelligence, it is our responsibility to safeguard the environment from harmful pollution. The issues of global warming, climate change, health risks, depletion of natural resources such as forests and water supplies, and strain on biological diversity.
Students studying climate change can learn the fundamental scientific underpinnings of climate change management from the Environment and Climate Change book. Students will gain knowledge of national and international strategies for managing climate change, as outlined in international agreements, national laws, and voluntary initiatives. The book explains how to achieve a low-carbon economy, including green finance, as well as mitigation and adaptation strategies, as well as tracking and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions.
This book offers a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of climate change, biodiversity changes, and phytosociological changes. As a result, it offers a comprehensive range of solutions to address a variety of environmental and climate change-related problems. Researchers, legislators, academics, environmentalists, and college students would all benefit from this book.