Social Research Methodology: An Overview
Social Research, Research Methods, Exploratory Study, Qualitative Research, Quantitative Research, Primary Research, Secondary Research, Quantitative Method, Scientific Methodology, Social Science, Review of Literature, Hypothesis, Statistical Techniques, Type of Research, Type Research Design, Applied Research, Descriptive Research, Analytical Research, Fundamental Research, Conceptual Research, Empirical Research, Longitudinal Research, Laboratory Research, Exploratory Research, Oriented Research, applications of Computer, Historical Research Method, Data collection, Sampling, Probability Sampling, Non Probability Sampling, Research Problem, Research Proposal, Report WritingSynopsis
Social Research Methodology (An Overview) is used in both Academic Professional education and training and in social working life to introduce new researchers and scholars. Social Research is a method used by social scientists and researchers to learn about people and societies so that they can design products/services that cater to various needs of the people. Different socio-economic groups belonging to different parts of a county think differently. Various aspects of human behavior need to be addressed to understand their thoughts and feedback about the social world, which can be done using Social Research. The purpose of this book chapter is to deepen knowledge of how social research methodology can be used as a pedagogic tool to integrate theory and practice in a Research Methodology programme. The aim of this book chapter is to deepen the understanding and knowledge of qualitative research focusing on education for mentors of newly qualified teachers. Altogether, 13 studies were included and synthesized.
Social Research:An Introduction
Research Methods in Mass Communication
Exploratory Study on Social Research
Steps of Scientific Methodology in Social Science
Statistical Techniques:An Overview
Type of Research and Type Research Design
Use and Applications of Computer in Social Research
Education, Environment and Entrepreneurship:Agents for Growth and Development in A Rural Economy
Introduction Social Science Research
Concept in Social Research – Hypothesis
Sampling - Meaning and Definition
Research Design
Report Writing