Labour Welfare (I D S)
Labour Welfare, Labour Problems, Labour Market, Labour Welfare Agencies, Social Security, India's Legislature on Social Security, scope of Labour Welfare, Evolution of Labour Welfare, Development of Labour Welfare in India, Classification of Labour Problems, Labour Problems in India, Problems of Child and Women Labours, Measures to Solve Labor Problems in India, Nature of Labour Market in India, Demand and Supply of Labour, Factors Affecting Demand and Supply of Labour, Characteristics of Labour Market, Wage Differential, Types of Wage Differential, Causes of Wage Differential, Labour Efficiency, New Economic Policy’s Impact on Labour Welfare, ILO’s Role in Labour Welfare, Social Insurance and Social Assistance, Beveridge Plan, “Workmen's Compensation Act – 1923”, Employees Provident Fund Act – 1952, Maternity Benefit Act – 1961 and Bonus Act – 1965Synopsis
Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar Solapur University Solapur's Board of Studies in Economics is introduced Labour Welfare subject from June 2023-24 for BA II Economics class.
This is the Interdisciplinary subject for the Students. I'm very happy to be this book is useful for this Students.
In this book in Semester III chapters are Labour Welfare, Labour problems and Labour market. In Semester IV chapters are Labour Welfare agencies, Social Security and India's Legislature on Social Security.
In a book many photos and references are including. Many references are using for the book writing. I'm thankful to the all authors.
I'm very thankful to the Kripa Drishti Publication, Pune.