Small Indigenous Food Fishes and their Nutritional Significance
Food Fishes, Nutritional Significance, Importance in Human Diet, Proximal Composition of Various Food, Proximate Composition of Food Fishes, Aquaculture’s, Sustainable Food Production, Harvesting Nutritional Treasures, Unveiling the Vital Role of Fish, Small Indigenous Food Fishes, Amino Acid, Fatty Acid, Vitamin and Mineral Contents, Nutritional Benefits of Fish, Microplastic in Seafood, Proximal Composition of Food Fishes, Omega 3 Fatty Acids, Micronutrients, Moisture Content, Carbohydrate, Crude Protein, Estimation of Crude FAT, Types of Aquacultures, Species Stocked for Farming, Environmental Impacts of Aquaculture, Nutritional Value of Fish, Proximate Composition of SIF Species, small indigenous fish speciesSynopsis
Fish is the essential food recommended for the prevention of many life-threatening diseases of human being. Fishes are also regarded as the cheapest source of vital nutrients which are the key of a healthy nation. Fishes play an important role in the field of communities suffering from malnutrition, vitamin and protein deficiency. The estimation of proximate composition of fish species not only evaluates the nutritional importance but also gives the justification for better processing and preservation. Many parts of the world are enriched with a plenty of natural resources where there are so many indigenous small fishes in ponds, lakes, rivers and wetlands and there are many small food fishes traditionally consumed by people across the globe. However, there are many species are unknown and not studied at all. The rural people consume these small fishes mainly in their diet due to their low cost and availability. Therefore, further research has to be done to find out the nutritional values of the small food fishes for making a healthy society and for enhancing the nutritional awareness.
This book is an attempt to create an awareness about the nutritional importance of the small indigenous food fishes. The knowledge about the proximate composition, amino acid, fatty acid, mineral and vitamin contents of the small indigenous food fishes will help the readers to understand the importance of small indigenous fish species. It will also create awareness among the community people to conserve the food fishes by regular monitoring the fish fauna and conserve them as well.
Any suggestions and corrections (if any) towards further improvement will be thankfully acknowledged and highly appreciated. The editors are very much thankful to the team members of ‘Kripa Drishti Publications’ who were very supportive, quick in response and helped in publishing this Book.
Food Fishes and Their Importance in Human Diet
Proximal Composition of Various Food Fishes and its Nutritional Significance
Analytical Methods of Proximate Composition of Food Fishes
Aquaculture’s Vital Role in Sustainable Food Production
Harvesting Nutritional Treasures: Unveiling the Vital Role of Fish in Human Nutrition
Nutritional Status of Small Indigenous Food Fishes W.R.T. Their Proximate Composition, Amino Acid, Fatty Acid, Vitamin and Mineral Contents