C Programming and Problem Solving
C Programming, Programming Methodology, Programming Planning Tools, Algorithm, Flowchart, Pseudo Code, Evolution of ‘C’ Language, ‘C’ tokens, Identifier, Variables, Constants, Operators, Type Casting or Type Conversion, Control Statements, Control Statements in C, Decision-Making Control Statements, Switch Statement, Arrays, Declaration & Initialization of an Array, String/ Inbuilt String, Functions, Inbuilt, Predefined, Library functions, Recursion, Storage Classes, Storage Classes- Auto, Extern, Static, Register, Pointers, Structures and Union, Array of Structures, Macros and Preprocessing, String, Standard Library Functions, Bitwise Operators, Shift Operators, MasksSynopsis
Programming is the art of expressing solutions to problems so that a computer can execute those solutions. This textbook “C Programming and Problem Solving” began as a set of lecture notes for a first-year student (Software Engineering) course in 2024. This book is designed for the course of all students of Engineering as per Pune and Solapur University. The main purpose of this book students will be able to develop logic which will help them to create programs and applications in ‘C’ language. Also, by learning the basic programming constructs they can easily switch over to any other language in future. Students will be able to understand the basic concepts of C programming language. To Enhance skill on problem solving by constructing algorithms. Students will be able to comprehend the general structure of the C program, concepts of variable, datatype, operator and be able to create a C program to demonstrate these concepts. Design and develop various programming problems using C programming concepts.
To understand and use various constructs of the programming language such as conditionals, iteration. Demonstrate the use of strings and string handling functions. Apply skill of identifying appropriate programming constructs for problem solving. Able to Implement advanced C programming concepts like function, pointer, structure, and union etc. Understand the dynamics of memory using pointers. Able to understand the file handling using C Programming language. To understand the concept of macros and preprocessors. At last, describe the String and Bitwise Operators….
1. To Understand how to use programming in day-to-day Applications.
2. To understand the various steps in Program development.
3. To understand the basic concepts in C Programming Language.
4. To learn how to write modular and readable C Programs
5. To learn to write programs (using structured programming approach) in ‘C’ to solve problems.
To build efficient programs in “C‟ language essential for future programming and software engineering courses.