Interdisciplinary Explorations New Directions in Social Sciences and Humanities
Enuma Elish, Genesis, Cosmogony, Comparative Study, Ancient Near East, Spirituality, Employability, Business Schools, Knowledge, Harvard Business School, Human Resource Management, Employee Engagement, Work Detachment, Corporate Sector, Organizational Performance, Role of Cognitive Processes, Decision Making, Language preservation, Linguistic diversity, Community involvement, Cultural significance, Endangered languages, Grassroots initiatives, Modern technology, Artificial Intelligence, Trade, Supply Chain Management, Trade Finance, Market Analysis, Customs, Automation, Predictive Analytics, Psychological capital, Interventional training, Desirable consequences, India for the 21st Century, Gender Disparities, Labour Market, Generation Z, Management accounting, Evolving manufacturing environments, Technological advancements, ELT, British Council, Methods of teaching, Collection and Marketing, Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs)Synopsis
This book is a product of the collective intellectual pursuits of esteemed professors from XITE College (Autonomous), who have shared their reflections and critical thinking to create a unique epistemology. In these pages, we delve into a variety of subjects that hold significance for the common person, addressing issues and related aspects that are pertinent to our country and the broader discipline domains. The discussions are rooted in our context, providing insights and perspectives that are both relevant and enlightening. This book is a humble attempt to discover and fathom the complexities that often appear as a mirage in our current context. It is designed to spark curiosity, provoke thought, and contribute to the ongoing dialogue in these vital fields. I hope that readers will find the content both engaging and thought-provoking, offering new understandings and appreciation for the intricate tapestry of topics covered.
Within these pages, you will encounter a rich theme that span across multiple areas of study:
Myth Reinterpretation: Dive into the reinterpretation of myths, where ancient stories are analyzed through contemporary lenses, revealing their enduring relevance and the ways they shape cultural narratives. These chapters explore how myths can be both a reflection of societal values and a tool for cultural evolution.
Integration of Spirituality and Rationality: Explore the intersection of spirituality and rationality, examining how these seemingly disparate realms can coexist and inform one another. The chapters delve into philosophical discussions, case studies,
and theoretical frameworks that illustrate the synergy between spiritual beliefs and rational thought processes.
Skills and Demography: Investigate the dynamics of skills and demography in shaping our social and economic landscapes. These chapters provide insights into how demographic changes influence skill development and workforce trends, offering a comprehensive view of the implications for future economic growth and social cohesion.
Values and Decision-Making Processes: Delve into the intricate processes of decision-making, guided by individual and collective values. These chapters explore how values influence choices in personal, professional, and societal contexts, offering models and theories that enhance our understanding of decision-making mechanisms.
Each chapter not only presents cutting-edge research and theoretical insights but also encourages readers to engage critically with the material, fostering a deeper appreciation of the complexities and interconnectedness of these themes.
I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the authors for their contributions and dedication to enriching this book with their knowledge and expertise. I also want to express appreciation to all those who have supported this project, making it possible to bring these diverse perspectives together in one comprehensive volume. Mr. Ashis Singh’s cover design is gratefully acknowledged. I hope that this book sparks curiosity, inspires further research, and fosters ongoing conversations in academia and beyond. Thank you to everyone involved in making this publication a reality.
Interpreting Creation: Enuma Elish, Genesis, and Ancient Near Eastern Beliefs
Spiritual Training and Employability in Management Institutes
Exploring the Detachment Dilemma: The Impact of Inadequate Human Resource Management Practices on Employee Engagement in the Corporate Sector
Understanding the Role of Cognitive Processes in Decision Making: Implications in Practice
From Grassroots to Global: Community - Led Language Revitalization
The Use and Evolution of Artificial Intelligence in Trade: A Comprehensive Review
Is Your Employee A HERO? – A Positive Psychology Standpoint to Increase Desirable Consequences
Reimagining India for the 21st Century
Gender Disparities in the Labour Market – A Review of Causal Factors
Understanding Generation Z: Challenges and Resilience
Evolving Trends in Management Accounting: Navigating the Challenges of Contemporary Manufacturing Environments
English as Second Language Learning in India: Challenges and Resolutions
Scope and Challenges in Collection and Marketing of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) in Jharkhand