Advances in Environmental Science and Engineering
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, IOT, Smart Parking Facility, Parking Lot Setup, Arduino MEGA 2560 Circuit, Application Interface for Management, Rainwater Management, Treadle Pump, Feasibility Analysis, Green Building, Rainwater Harvesting, Energy Rating System, LEED Leadership, Traffic Congestion, Evidence of Congestion, Traffic Congestions, Highway Construction, Flood Prone Areas, Flashing Floods, River Line Flooding, Biological Production, Butanol Production, Recombinant Butanol Production, Heavy Metals, Magnetic Graphene oxide, Graphene Oxide, Nano-Technological Applications, Ethanol Production, Enzymatic Hydrolysis, Fermentation, Nanoadsorbents, Textile Industry, Vermiconversion, Vegetable Waste, Solid Waste Management, Indoor Pollutants, Electric VehiclesSynopsis
This book of Advances in Environmental Science and Engineering is an integrated approach to Civil Engineering and Environmental Science. The book covers best paper compilation of the “National Conference on the ‘Advances in Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences’ (ACEES - 2021), jointly organized by the Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Environmental Sciences of J.C. Bose University of Science and Technology, YMCA, Faridabad from January14-15,2021. Every chapter provides simplified learning guide for report writing, dissertation, and research work, with case study and references.
Scientific research is a systematic, controlled and critical investigation of propositions about various phenomena. Due to intensive infrastructural growth and urbanisation, the environmental degradation has been occurring very rapidly and causing many problems like worsening water quality, excessive air pollution, and the problems of waste disposal. To meet these environmental issues and challenges, we have to integrate the principals of sustainable development with our development policies and plans. Therefore, Civil Engineering and Environmental Scientist would have to work together with new technological advances to preserve the environment.
The purpose of this book is to present the matter in an up-to–date manner and provide for beginners a simple, interesting and concise treatment in basic principles so as to lay firm foundations for fruitful research in advanced stages of the work/programme.
Publisher deserves special mention for many good suggestions and ideas throughout the book’s gestation. The authors take full responsibility for all errors that remain and will appreciate them being called to his attention so that the book can be improved in future printings and editions.
IOT Based Smart Parking Facility
Rainwater Management using Treadle Pump
Feasibility Analysis of Green Building
Traffic Congestion and Possible Solutions:A Review
Problems Encountered in Highway Construction in Flood Prone Areas:A Review
Recent Approach for Butanol Production through Genetic Engineering Process to Overcome the Limitations of ABE Fermentation
Removal of Heavy Metals and Dyes by Modified Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles
Nano-Technological Applications in Ethanol Production:An Insight Look
Nanotechnology: Green Option for Defluoridation of Drinking Water
Treatment Options of Textile Industry Wastewater with Special Reference with Solar and Algal Treatment Combination
Vermiconversion of Fruit and Vegetable Waste into Organic Manure:An Approach Towards Sustainable Solid Waste Management
Understanding Solid Waste Management System in Gurugram City, Haryana (India)
Plants as a Permanent Solution for Removal of Indoor Pollutants Mainly Particulate Matter
Electric Vehicles Concept and Implementation in India