Family Resource Management and Consumer Science
Family Resource Management, The Materialistic, Planning, Controlling, Evaluation, Consumer Science, Challenges, Solutions, Family Decision-Making, Ethical Considerations, Policy, Societal Influences, Future Trends, Values, Goals, Standards, Family Life Cycle, Work Simplification, Motion Economic, Time Management, Money Management, Energy Management, Innovations, Interior Designing, Color Theory, Color Types, Color Schemes, Art, Design, Furniture, Household Furniture, Space Design, Household Budget, Consumers, Consumer Awareness, Online Shopping, Financial Harmony, Consumer Education, Responsibilities and ProtectionSynopsis
This book compiles various units related to the subject of Family Resource Management and Consumer Science. It is designed according to the graduation, post-graduation UGC NET /JRF curriculum. The language is simple and effective, explaining the subject through tables, graphs, and charts. The book includes the latest references and has the capability to assist students in conducting research related to the subject.
An effort has been made to explain various chapters related to Family Resource Management and Consumer Science in clear and simple words. It covers topics such as System Approach in Family Resource Management, Concept of Planning Resource Management and Process Communication, Decision Making Process, Application of Management Process, Work Simplification, Time and Money Management, Mundel's Theory of Work Simplification, Elements and Principles of Art, Furniture and Household Furnishing, Color Theory, Family Finance and Household Budget, Consumer Science, Consumer Education, Consumer Rights, etc.
This book will be extremely useful for students preparing for various competitive exams. I would like to sincerely thank all the authors whose valuable writing has provided an opportunity for students to benefit from this book.
Introduction To System Approach in Family Resource Management
Concept and Steps of Family Resource Management
Family Resource Management and Consumer Science: Decision Making Process
Values, Goals, and Standards
Mundal’s Classes of Change: Principal and Important
Application of Management Processes to Time, Money, and Energy for Work Simplification
Color Theories and Schemes in Interior Designing
Elements and Principle of Art and Design
Furniture and Household Furnishing: Types Selection, Care and Maintenance
Housing and Space Design
Online Shopping and Household Budget: An Analytical Study
Consumer Education: Rights, Responsibilities and Protection Act