A Textbook on Interdisciplinary Microbiology
Microbiology, Microbial Diagnosis, Health Clinics, Industrial Microbiology, Food Microbiology, Bacterial Diseases, Immunology, Antigens, Antibodies, Biopestiside, Bio-Fertilizers, Primary Metabolites, Fermentation Processes, Microbial Production, Industrial Products, Fermented Foods, Probiotics, Food Spoilage, Microbial Spoilage, Canned Foods, Food Intoxication, Food Infection, Hydrocarbon, Bio-RemediationSynopsis
From deepest of heart containing the warm pleasuring well wishes we are feeling very lucky and honored, to present you the thoroughly revised, willingly prepared and studied with high efforts, the first edition of. We hope the book will become helpful to all the readers of this book who have taken it as a source of knowledge what they seek for. The book is written with immense hardwork; dedication and desperation. We have tried to put all the information available to me on these topics for the readers and tried to make it as easy as possible for the easy and correct understanding of the topics by readers. The book is written with dedicated practices of restless work with determination and passion for the writing of a book helpful on this subject. The book is containing the information mostly for the students but we do believe that it can also be helpful for everyone.
The book is consisting total 3 units al together in it. The unit 1 is focusing on the topic on Microbial Diagnosis in Health Clinics. The unit 2 is containing the about Industrial Microbiology. The details on the Food Microbiology is described in unit 3. We are thankful to the publishers for the speedy and quality production. We shall welcome the constructive suggestion, if any, from the reader.