Basic Mycology And Mycotechnology
Fungal growth behaviors, Fungal Diversity, Fungal Enzyme Technology, Fermentation Technology, Fungal Metabolites, Fungal Recombinant Technology, Mycorrhiza, Plant Growth Promoting Fungi, PGPF, Wood Decaying Fungi, Mycoremediation, Fungal Genomics, Fungal Phylogeny, Fungal Evolution, Fungal Ultra Structure, Cell Wall, Cell Wall Functions, Cell Organelles, The Flagellum, Solid Substrate Fermentations, Fermentor, Plant-Mycorrhizal Interaction, LichenSynopsis
Basic Mycology and Mycotechnology deals with the study of fungi and production of their valuable products like different metabolites, food and pharmaceuticals by using fungal system as machinery in consideration with the principles of fungal biology, bioconversion and environmental technology. The book has been designed to give a basic idea on Mycology & applied biotechnological aspects of fungi. This book is aimed to cater to students of undergraduate & post-graduate, students appearing for various competitive examinations and researchers. The Book highlights on the basics about growth behaviors and diversity of fungi, detailed cell structures of different groups of fungi, wood decaying fungi, fungal genomics, fungal phylogeny as well as evolutionary aspects of fungi under “Basic Mycology” section. Under “Mycotechnology” section, authors have tried to give an input about fungal enzyme technology, role of fungal metabolites; recent findings about fungal recombinant technology in the field of industry have been discussed. This book also covers the research information about how “Plant-Mycorrhiza” and “Plant- Plant Growth Promoting Fungi (PGPF)” interactions can be used for sustainable agriculture. Authors have discussed about the role of “Mycoremediation” and how it can be used as an alternative eco-friendly approach for sustainable management of environment.
Fungal Growth Behaviours with Special Reference to Diversity, Forms and Negative Impact on Mankind
Fungal Ultra Structure, Composition, Septation and Environmental Interaction
Fungal Enzyme Technology and Application for Mankind
Feedstock and Solid Substrate Fermentations
Industrial Application of Fungi in Ethanol, Beverage and Food Productions
Fungal Metabolites and Its Application
Fungal Recombinant Technology
Plant-Mycorrhizal Interaction for Sustainable Agriculture
Plant and Plant Growth Promoting Fungi (PGPF) Interaction for Susteinable Agriculture
Wood Decaying Fungi:A Positive Impact on Nature
Mycoremediation:An Eco-Friendly Approach for Sustainable Development
Lichen:A Beauty of Nature
Fungal Genomics
Fungal Phylogeny and Evolution