Finance For Everyone
Financial Planning, Budgeting, Financial Literacy, Education level, Communication Ability, Financial Institutions, Insurance Companies, Postal Services, Insurance Types, Human Wants, Economic Wants, Resources, Personal Budget, Family Budget, Business Budget, National Budget, Preparing Budget, Budget Deficit, Bank Types, Banking Product, Banking Services, Deposit Accounts, KYC Norms, Loans, Interest Rates, Cashless Banking, India Post Office, Money Transfer, E-Money, Money Order, Money Gram Products, Insurance Services, Life Insurance Policies, Health Insurance, Stock Markets, SENSEX, NIFTY, Primary Market, Secondary Market, Equity Share, DebenturesSynopsis
There are numerous subfields within Finance for Everyone. Financial management and investment management are the two main topics covered in the book, and they are the two most significant ones that lay the groundwork for the other specialty areas. The writers first go over the fundamentals, including the financial system and its participants, financial statements, and finance mathematics. They then go into more detail on financial management and investment management. The writer’s focus on financial management includes capital budgeting decisions, corporate financing decisions, dividend policy, financial risk management, and financial strategy and planning. The various risk types associated with investing, company analysis, common stock valuation, portfolio selection, asset pricing theory, and investing in common stocks and bonds are all covered under the topic of investment management.
Learning Objectives:
The Learning Objectives of this course are as follows:
• To offer an integrated approach to the understanding of concepts and applications of financial planning.
• To help the students in their financial planning.
Learning Outcomes:
The Learning Outcomes of this course are as follows:
• After studying this course, students will be able to understand the importance of financial literacy and the institutions providing financial services.
• After studying this course, students will be able to prepare financial plan, budget and manage personal finances.
• After studying this course, students will be able to open, avail and manage services offered by banks.
• After studying this course, students will be able to open, avail and manage services offered by post offices.
• After studying this course, students will be able to plan for life insurance and property insurance.
• After studying this course, students will be able to choose instruments for investment in shares.