An Overview Of Denial Of Services In Peer-To-Peer Networks
Peer to Peer, ptp, ptp networks, Peer to Peer System, Peer to Peer Network, Security and Trust, Scalable Computer Networks, Distributed Storage and Search, Bit Torrent, Architecture of Bit Torrent, Bit File Sharing Network, Copyright Infringement, Torrent Algorithm, Choking Algorithm, Anti Snubbing, Traffic Management, Video-on-Demand System, Network Topologies, Centralized Topology, Ring Topology, Hierarchical Topology, Decentralized Topology, Hybrid Topologies, Unstructured Network, Structured Network, Hybrid Model, Overlay network.Synopsis
Peer to peer networks and video-on-demand services are some of the fastest-growing technologies in the world today. One of the ramifications of their growth is the tremendous growth in research and development for the development of these technologies. The newcomers in this field of research, sometimes face Challenges regarding understanding new emergent Technologies.
Features of the Book:
Several book features are designed to make it particularly easy for a student to understand the basics of peer-to-peer network and video-on-demand services.
We have you read the book into a number of chapters. These chapters are logically arranged so that reader doesn't find it difficult to understand the concepts.
Visual Approach:
The highly technical subject matter is presented in this book. Complex numerical expressions and formulas are being avoided to make the book e more user-friendly for a new reader in the area. The book contains a balanced mix of text and figures. Videos help a lot in explaining the networking concepts which are obviously based on connections and transmissions.
Recommended Reading:
The book provides a detailed reference to the areas described in it. These references may help the reader to understand the matter more clearly.
Each topic in the book is provided with a reference number. The reader may refer to the reference paper for more elaborative study.