National Conference on Emerging Trends in Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development
Emerging Trends, Civil Engineering, Sustainable Development, Aquifer Zones, Semi-Arid Region, Flyash, Plastic, Soil Stabilizer, Recycled Mortar Powder, Flexible Pavement, Municipal Solid Waste Management, Laboratory Investigation, Earthquake, Case Study, Concrete Cubes, Waste Materials, Industrial Waste, Jute Fiber, Coconut Shell, Brick Powder, Ground Water, Sitapura Industrial, Quality Assessment, Socio–Economic, Earthquake Resistance Structure, Steel Fiber, Public Transport, Egg Shell Powder, Silica Fume, Rice Husk Ash, Rubber Tire, River SandSynopsis
For a society to develop, it is necessary to have a vision, the ability to see what lies ahead, as well as the knowledge of various impediments in the present and of the means to arrive at a better future. The world around us is dramatically changing. It is becoming more and more interconnected through technology. Changing global conditions demand that we rethink the strategies of growth, and research is a tool to understand reality in order to make it a better living experience. Every walk of life is enriched due to research. It was scientific innovation that brought about the invention of a steam engine at a primitive level, thereby, making life easy at a click in the digital world. Research in its manifold pattern lays its foundation in diverse fields of Civil Engineering.
This conference will provide a unique opportunity of presenting and discussing emerging Trends for sustainable development in civil Engineering and make the bridge between academia and industries. The conference consists of scientific session, symposia on specific topics and paper presentation. A Group of experts will have chance to share information and get in touch with other groups.
We gratefully acknowledge the encouragement and support of the Management showing their faith in us to convene this conference. We are also thankful to Prof. V.K. Chandna, Principal for his valuable guidance at every step we needed in organizing the Conference. our wholehearted thanks to the reviewers, invited speakers, members of the advisory and organizing committees, student volunteers and media persons and all others who have contributed in the successful organization of the Conference.