Flexible Approach Of Learning
Learning, FA.L., Flexible Approach, Flexible Approach of Learning, Flexible Learning, Framework and Designing of F.A.L, Structure of F.A.L, Multiple Strategies for F.A.L, Resources Required for F.A.L, Ways of Learning Style, Diverse Learners, Principle of Flexible Learning, Presentation of F.A.L, FAL Framework Format Lesson PlanSynopsis
The introduction of Flexible Approach of Learning has created a new wave in teaching learning process of diverse classroom. In inclusive education set up teacher must take care of diverse learners sitting in classroom. His/her duty is to adopt various teaching learning methods which suits to learner’s interest and their learning style. Similarly, teachers have to use different types of assessment methods and techniques to give justice to diverse learners.
The present book is providing information about flexible teaching learning strategy. Flexible teaching learning methods and variety of assessments.
This is an essential book for all the teacher educator, student teacher and in-service teachers who intend to adopt flexible teaching learning in classroom.
The book also includes a framework and lesson plan which may be useful for classroom teacher.