Relevance of Human Values in Sustainable Development AALEKH 2024
Human Values, Sustainable Development, Corporate Governance, Professional Ethics, Eye Care, Ethics, Values, Emerging Technologies, Global Challenges, Optometric Association, Business Ethics, Values Compatibility Rating, Ethical conduct, Moral Theory, Human Dilemma, Factors Influencing, Advocates Act 1961, Professional Values, Decision-Making Process, Ethical Awareness, Ethical Considerations, Innovation, Respect, Elders, New Generation, Nurturing Sustainability, TrustSynopsis
It is a matter of pleasure to bring forward the second volume of Aalekh. The journey of Aalekh – the article writing competition began in the year 2023 with an aim to provide a platform for the budding researchers of the university, to come up with their innovative writings. The outcome of the active participation by the students, research scholars and the faculty members was the articles in the form of an edited book.
To continue with this journey ahead, the Aalekh 2.0 has been organised in this year with the theme ‘Relevance of Human Values in Sustainable Development’.
Values are the integral part of life that contributes for one’s holistic development, improves decision making skills, and maintains healthy and long-term relationships. Using the available resources optimally, reducing, reusing or recycling the wastes, vision for sustainable profit are some of the practices that are well connected with the Values and Ethics both. A business practice is the outcome of individuals’ practices – individuals those are involved in running the business. Employees holding the human values like honesty, trust, respect, empathy, kindness, etc. are expected to run business ethically that further contributes to the sustainable development. But, many a times, it has been observed that to satisfy the hunger of earning personal profits, the individuals get diverted from the path of values and ethics which ultimately results unrest in the society.
The present volume of Aalekh includes fourteen articles that explore the multiple facets of Human Values and Ethics necessary for the sustainability. The recommendations made by the authors would contribute in making the society free from unethical practices. Precisely, it would bring positive momentum to uphold the human values in one’s life.
Happy Learning!