Practical Manual of Agricultural Biochemistry and Agrochemicals
Agricultural Biochemistry, Agrochemicals, Plant Biochemistry, Laboratory Principles, Plant Parts Analysis, Plant sample, Soil Nutrient Analysis, Appendices, Laboratory Safety rules, Instrumentation Practices, Statistical Analysis, Experimental data, Flower, Fruit, Leaf, Root, Amino Acids, pH, Solution, Sterilization Techniques, isolation of DNA, Gel Electrophoresis Techniques, Non-enzymatic Antioxidants, Citric Acid, Tartaric Acid, Anti-Nutritional Factors, Soxhlet Method, Soil Reaction, Nitrogen, Fertilizers, PesticidesSynopsis
This practical book is mostly designed to cover the syllabus of chosen by election course of fundamentals of plant biochemistry and botany in under graduate entitled “Agricultural Biochemistry and Agrochemicals. In order to pursue their careers in basic sciences and professional courses, students take up Plant Biochemistry as one of the subjects. To provide them sufficient background to meet the challenges of academic and professional streams, the Plant Biochemistry practical book for graduate has been reformed, updated and designed to include basic research work on all topics. It has been fulfilled to give students thorough training in the procedure or methods of Plant and Soil nutrient analysis along with calculations and interpretation of the results. The manual is equipped with the estimation of Proximate analysis, Enzymatic and non-enzymatic analysis, Plant nutrient, anti-nutritional factors, Plant metabolomics, Chlorophyll, Organic carbon, available N, P, K and S, micronutrient (Zn, Mn, Cu, Iron), exchangeable sodium in soil, pH, EC, Ca++, Mg++. Thus the manual covers the imported parameters and aspects of plant, soil and water analysis. Efforts have also been made to explain the trainings in articulate and easily understandable method.
In conclusion, I revenue this opportunity to express my sincere and heartfelt regards with deep sense of gratitude to Dr. R. K. Yadav, Director of Extension, Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture and Technology Kanpur- 208002 and also gratitude to Dr. Anchal Singh, Pro-Chancellor, Major SD Singh University Farrukhabad for their encouragement and support without which it was not possible to prepare this practical handbook.