Interactive Computer Graphics-Programming Approach using OpenGL
Computer Graphics, Programming, OpenGL, Raster Scan Systems, Random Scan Systems, Imaging Systems, Graphics Architectures, Graphics Primitives Representation, Input, Interaction, Geometric Objects, Transformations, 3D Object, Lighting, Shading, Vertices, Fragments, Quadric Surfaces, Bezier Curves, B-SPLINE Curves, Clipping, Polygon Clipping, Polygonal Shading, Graphics Functions, Attributes, ColorSynopsis
Computer Graphics is a transformative paradigm that enables scalable, convenient, on-demand access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources for efficiently delivering applications. This book is written as a text book on Computer Graphics using OpenGL for educational programmes at colleges, universities. The typical reader is expected to have completed a couple of courses in programming using traditional high-level language at the college-level and is either a senior or a beginning graduate student in the field of science, technology, engineering or mathematics.
We have tried to write a comprehensive book that transfers knowledge through an immersive “hands-on” approach, where the reader is provided the necessary guidance and knowledge to develop working code for real-word Computer Graphics applications. Concurrent development of practical applications that accompanies traditional instructional material within the book further enhances the learning process.
The book is organized into 9 chapters these include topics like: Graphics Primitive Representation, OpenGL, Input-Output Interaction, Geometric Objects and Transformations, 3D Object Viewing, Lighting and Shading, Vertices to Fragments, 3D Object Surface Representation.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Provides overview of Applications of Computer Graphics, Raster Scan Display and Random Scan Display, Objects and Viewers, Imaging Systems, Synthetic Camera Model and Graphics Architecture
Chapter 2: Graphics Primitive Representation
Describes Scan Converting Lines, Midpoint Line Drawing Algorithm, Scan Converting Circle
Chapter 3: OpenGL
Provides an introduction to the use of OpenGL Interface, Graphics Functions, Control Functions, viewing, Primitives and Attributes, Text, Attributes, color, polygons and Recursion, plotting implicit functions.
Chapter 4: Input-Output Interaction
Describe the development of Graphics applications using Input Devices, Logical Devices, Input Modes, Programming Event Driven Input, Animating Interactive Programs, Picking, Building Interactive Models
Chapter 5: Geometric Objects and Transformations
Provides description of Scalars, Points and Vectors, Coordinate Systems and Frames, Frames in OpenGL, Modeling Colored Cube, 2DTransformations, Transformations in Homogeneous Coordinates (3D Transformations), Concatenation of Transformations, OpenGL Transformation Matrices (3D Transformations), Interfaces to Three Dimensional Applications, Quaternion’s
Chapter 6: 3D Object Viewing
Provides principles and methodologies of Classical and Computer viewing, Viewing with a Computer, Simple Projections, Projections in OpenGL, Hidden-Surface removal
Chapter 7: Lighting and Shading
Provides description of Light and Matter, Light Sources, The Phong Lighting Model, Computation of Vectors, Polygon shading, Light Sources in OpenGL, Specification of Materials in OpenGL
Chapter 8: Vertices to Fragments
Provides principles and methodologies of Clipping, Line-Segment Clipping, Polygon Clipping, Clipping of Other Primitives, Polygon Rasterization, Hidden Surface removal
Chapter 9: 3D Object Surface Representation
Provides description of 3D object Representation, Quadric Surfaces, Bezier Curves and Surfaces, B-Spline Curve