Employee Relations and Labour Laws


Dr. Alka Sharma
Dr. Darakhshan Anjum
Dr. Deepak Sharma


Employee Relations, Labour Laws, Trade Union, Quality Circle, Collective Bargaining, Grievances, Industrial Conflicts, Workers Participation, The Factories Act 1948, Gratitude Act, Industrial Relations, Tactics, Ideology, Agreement, Trade, Trade Union Movement, Organizational Structure, Prerequisites, Principles, Essential Conditions, Redressal Procedure


Industry is a vital force in shaping a nation's economic structure. Consequently, the significance of industrial relations and labour laws in a country's development cannot be overstated. Industrial relations profoundly influence social, economic, and political progress. With the evolution of industrial society, labour laws have become increasingly dynamic and complex. The field encompasses a vast array of enactments, and India's legal landscape features diverse statutes addressing various facets of labour and industrial law, rather than a single, unified labour court. While the scope of industrial relations and labour laws is extensive, this book attempts to provide comprehensive coverage of the key areas. 

This book is a humble effort to illuminate the importance of employee relations, the trade union movement (including its challenges and potential solutions), the concept and structure of quality circles, the process of collective bargaining, the nature and causes of grievances, worker participation in management, and various labour laws within the Indian context. It is designed to align with the syllabi for employee relations and industrial labour laws courses in MBA, BBA, and B. Com programs.

We express our sincere gratitude to the numerous authors whose works we have referenced, as well as to our friends and colleagues who provided inspiration and encouragement, particularly from a student's perspective. We have strived to ensure the book is up-to-date and are pleased to present this first edition to our readers. We hope it will be a valuable resource for students, teachers, and researchers. We are deeply thankful to Publisher for their diligent efforts and support in publishing this book and ensuring its timely release.

Finally, we are immensely grateful to our families for their unwavering support and encouragement, without which this project would not have been possible. While we have taken every precaution to ensure the accuracy of the information presented, we welcome any constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement



February 25, 2025

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)
