Laboratory Manual of Mycology and Plant Pathology
Microscopic identification, Fungal isolates, Fungal pathogens, Fungal common diseases, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Transmission Electron Microscopy, Serology, ELISA, Dot-blot, SDS-PAGE, Western blot, Immunofluorescence, Immuno gold labeling, Liquid Column Chromatography, Thin Layer Chromatography, Koch’s Postulates, Pathogeneticity test, PGPF, PGPR, Plant growth parameters, SAR, ISR, PR-Proteins, Molecular identification, PCR, RFLP, DNA finger printing, RAPD, ITS-PCR, NCBI Genbank, BankitSynopsis
Plant disease caused by fungi has a huge impact on plant's life and subsequently on our lives. Proper assessment and accurate diagnosis can play a very significant role in keeping plants free from pathogens. The book entitled “Laboratory Manual of Mycology and Plant Pathology” is a cumulative collection of methods/techniques designed to conduct research in laboratories addressing on the topics of isolation, microscopic and molecular identifications of fungal pathogens, techniques to assess fungal diseases, sustainable approach for studying the parameters of growth of plant, techniques for control pathogen, serological and molecular methods for studying host pathogen interactions, chromatographic techniques for characterizing fungal active compounds, etc. Authors try to cover specific laboratory tools and techniques that may be helpful for researchers working in the field of Mycology and Plant Pathology. In the Laboratory manual, the subject matter has been presented in a step by step systematic manner. Easy, simple and clear understandable illustrations, correct and latest information are included which are the main features of the manual. Every possible effort has also been made to avoid the old outdated and rejected views and modern findings have been incorporated to make a better understanding of techniques.
Microscopy of Fungi and Plant Pathogens
Serological Study of Host Pathogen Interaction
Chromatographic Study of Biological Active Compound
Isolation, Identification of Fungi and Assessment of Disease
Study of Different Parameters of Plant Growth Induced by Plant Growth Promoting Fungi (PGPF) for Sustainable Agriculture
Induction of Defence Related Enzymes in Plant for Sustainable Agriculture
Molecular Identification of Fungal Isolates/Fungal Pathogens