COVID-19 Pandemic Current Status
Covid-19, COVID-19 Pandemic, Environmental Health, Social Networks, Molecular Pathogenesis, Therapeutics in Covid-19, Molecular Medicine, Current Status, Future Perspectives, Clinical Course of Covid 19, Pandemic Struggle, Dental Implications and Challenges, E-Commerce, Corona Virus and Influenza Virus.Synopsis
The purpose of the book is to provide a platform for academicians, scholars, social scientists, and students to introspect the COVID-19 PANDEMIC CURRENT STATUS. This book is a collaborative effort of 10 researchers from across the globe, who has systematically studied various status of the COVID-19. As we all know that because of the COVID-19 pandemic, worldwide educational institutions are closed, and we all are teaching from home i.e., either working from home or teaching online. Most of the countries around the world have temporarily closed educational institutions to attempt to minimize the spread of the COVID-19. According to UNESCO (2020), these worldwide closures are impacting over 60% of the world’s total population of students. Moreover, various countries have executed localized closures impacting millions of other students and learners.
भारत में कोविड -१९ के कारण प्रवासी श्रमिकों की सामाजिक - आर्थिक स्थिति - एक विश्लेषण
Environmental Health and Covid-19
The Imapct of Covid-19 and the Strength of Social Netwroks
Molecular Pathogenesis and Therapeutics in Covid-19: A Perspective in Molecular Medicine
कोरोना वायरस महामारी का वायु - प्रदूषण पर प्रभाव
COVID-19 Pandemic: Current Status and Future Perspectives
COVID-19 Pandemic: India’s Initial Pandemic Struggle
Covid 19 Pandemic: Dental Implications and Challenges
E-Commerce and Covid 19
A Comparative Study between the Vulnerability of Corona Virus and Influenza Virus