ICT in Library and Information Science
ICT, ICT in Library, Library, Information Science, Information Technology, Cellular Phone Systems, Smart Antennas, Baseband Signal Receiver, Information Retrieval, Information Storage, Measurements, Experimental Design, RISE Framework, Metadata Standards, Library Collection Management, Modern Librarianship, Library Services, Block chain TechnologySynopsis
The main purpose of this study is to assess self-estimated overall and task-specific Information and Communication Technology (ICT) skills of Library and Information Science (LIS) students in India.Information is knowledge, facts or data. For the purpose of enabling the users to assimilate information,it should be repacked. Knowledge becomes information when it is externalized i.e. put in to theprocess of communication.The current study highlights the areas where ICT can be applied. Basically, the paper explains different technologies and their use in the library operation. The benefits of institutional repositories have been discussed for archiving the library resources. The very purpose of this study is to express the usefulness of the different ICT for quickest and approachable information dissemination.
An Introduction to Smart Antenna for Wireless Power Transfer Technology & Cellular Phone Systems
Information Storage and Retrieval System: An Evaluation
Preserving Global Research Data: Role and Status of Re3data in RDM
Impact of the ICT on Academic Libraries
Application of Blockchain Technology in Library Service: A Study