Wireless Networks, Convenience Offered by Wireless Networks, Flexibility, Types of Networks, Wireless Local Area Networks, Standards, Specifications and Technologies, Ad-Hoc Network, Comparison of Infrastructure and Ad-Hoc Networks, Routing In MANETs, Table Driven Routing Protocols, Routing Protocols, Security Issues, Passive Eavesdropping, Attacks in AODV Routing Protocol, Network Simulator (NS), New Routing ProtocolSynopsis
MANET stands for Mobile ad-hoc Network also called a wireless ad-hoc network or ad-hoc wireless network that usually has a routable networking environment on top of a Link Layer ad hoc network. They consist of a set of mobile nodes connected wirelessly in a self-configured, self-healing network without having a fixed infrastructure. MANET nodes are free to move randomly as the network topology changes frequently. Each node behaves as a router as they forward traffic to other specified nodes in the network. The newcomers in this field of research, sometimes face Challenges regarding understanding new emergent Technologies. The book has chronological explanation of types of wireless networks, its vulnerabilities and NS2.0 implementation of attacks in MANET.
Several book features are designed to make it particularly easy for a student to understand the basics of various types of attack in mobile ad-hoc networks. The book also gives the reader a detailed insight into how black hole and grey attack implementation.