Human Resource Beginning Management


Ms. A. Naga Ramani; Mrs. G. Divya; Mr. Manish A. Maske; Dr. Monika Sethi Sharma; Dr. Apoorva Sharma; Dr. R. S. Salunkhe; N. Prabha ; B. William Dharma Raja; Shibani Hawladar; Dr. Anshu Jamaiyar; Ms. Pradnya Swapnil Nikalje


Human Resource Management, Work Life Balance, Retention and Motivation, Economic Effects, Trade Unions, Training and Development, Turnover, Human Resource, Human Resource Planning, Proactive Recruitment Program, Factors Affecting Recruitment:, Millennials (Generation Y), Recruitment, Job Selection, Organization, Job Choices, Sourcing Candidates, Screening Resumes, Decision-Making, Selection Tests, Employment Interview, Physical Examination, Final Approval


Human Resource Management (HRM) is a collective term for all the formal systems created to help in managing employees and other stakeholders within a company. Human resource management is tasked with three main functions, namely, the recruitment and compensation of employees, and designating work. Ideally, the role of HRM is to find the best way to increase the productivity of an organization through its employees. Despite the ever-increasing rate of change in the corporate world, the HRM role is not likely to change in a significant way.
Human resource management does not just handle the recruitment of new employees; it also oversees redundancy for companies that want to downsize. HR management also oversees orientation programs to introduce new employees to the company’s goals, objectives, and policies. Overall, human resource management guarantees the smooth running of employees within a company.


  • Work Life Balance in New Normal
    Ms. A. Naga Ramani
  • Retention and Motivation
    Mrs. G. Divya
  • The Economic Effects of Working with Labor Unions
    Mr. Manish A. Maske
  • Training and Development
    Dr. Monika Sethi Sharma
  • A Study on Retention and Motivation
    Dr. Apoorva Sharma
  • Human Resource Management in Agriculture
    Dr. R. S. Salunkhe
  • Building a Proactive Recruitment Program
    N. Prabha , B. William Dharma Raja
  • The Millennials (Generation Y) Stability in Today’s World
    Shibani Hawladar
  • Recruitment
    Dr. Anshu Jamaiyar
  • Role of Human Resource Management System in Job Selection
    Ms. Pradnya Swapnil Nikalje



June 7, 2021

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)
