Environment in 21st Century
Environment and COVID-19, Environmental Degradation, Deforestation, Impact on Human Health, Mitigation Measures, Shifting Cultivation in Meghalaya, Causes of Jhuming, Controlling Shifting Cultivation, Suggestions and Remedial Measures, Impact of Climate on Production, Effects of Environmental Degradation, Solutions for Environmental Degradation, Impact of Covid 19 on Environment, COVID-19 and Global Warming, Nanobioremediation, Silver Nanoparticles, Silica Nanomaterials, Enforcement, Environment Laws in India, Education, Employment, Economy, Impact of Air Pollution on Health, पर्यावरण पर जनसंख्या का आभाव, पानी की गुणवत्ता पर प्रभाव, शहरीकरण का विकासSynopsis
Environmental awareness among the public and policymakers has been growing since the 1960s, when it became widely recognized that human activities were having harmful and large-scale effects on the environment. Scientific and engineering research is also playing an increasing role in both understanding and protecting the environment. Research has demonstrated the importance of the environment to human health and well-being as well as the economic, social, and aesthetic harm that can stem from poor environmental practices. Research has suggested ways to curb harmful practices without incurring excessive costs. For example, scientific and engineering research has provided cost-effective ways to reduce the pollution in air and water in the United States; has demonstrated the importance of areas, such as wetlands, that were once considered of little value to human societies; and has helped to preserve natural ecosystems and the species that inhabit them.
Environment and COVID-19
Environmental Degradation: Basis, Impacts and Possible Alleviation
A Review Note on Shifting Cultivation in Meghalaya
Impact of Climate Change on Agricultural Productivity and Food Security
Challenges on Environmental Degradation and Mitigation Measures
Impact of Covid 19 on Environment
Use of Nanotechnology in Remediation of Environmental Pollutants
Enforcement of Environmental Laws and Policies-Judicial Trends in India
Covid-19: It’s Positive and Negative Impacts on the Environment
Environment and Human Population
Air-Pollution: Indian and Assam Scenario, Impact on Human Health and its Control-A Brief Account
भारत में पर्यावरण की जनसँख्या का प्रभाव