Fundamentals of Molecular Plant Pathology
Disease epidemic , Host pathogen interaction, Gene-for-gene hypothesis, Disease development, Mycotoxins, Basal response, Systemic Acquired Resistance (SAR), Pathogenesis Related Proteins (PR-Proteins), Induced Systemic Resistance (ISR), Plant Growth Promoting Fungi (PGPF), Defense related enzymes, Phytoalexin, Plant quarantine, Fungicides, Biological disease control, Integrated Disease Management (IDM), Dermatomycosis, Aspergillosis, Genetic engineering, Transgenic cotton, Disease forecasting, Somatic hybridization, Common diseases of plantsSynopsis
Fundamentals of Plant Pathology is based on the syllabus prescribed by University Grants Commission, New Delhi under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) for Undergraduate and Postgraduate students, the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, for the first and second year undergraduate students of plant pathology in State Agricultural and Horticultural Universities and hence, is of special importance to these students.
The book entitled “Fundamentals of Molecular Plant pathology” is written as a foundation book on Plant pathology which describes how pathogens cause disease through interaction of host, pathogens and environment. The book covers the major areas of plant pathology like disease epidemic influenced by host, pathogen and environmental interaction, disease management by disease forecasting systems, cultural practice, plant quarantine, chemical methods, biological methods and integrated disease management (IDM) practice, improvement of crops through Recombinant DNA technology and somatic hybridization, triggering defense induction in plants such as Systemic Acquired Resistance (SAR) and Induced Systemic Resistant (ISR) by biotic and abiotic elicitors. The book also covers some common diseases of cultivated crops in West Bengal, India.