Fundamentals of Mycopathology
Synchytrium endobioticum, wart disease of potato, Rhizopus stolonifer, Phytophthora infestans, Late Blight of Potato, Albugo candida, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Aspergillus fumigates, Penicillium chrysogenum, Ascobolus carbonarius, Neurospora crassa, Puccinia graminis tritici, Ustilago nuda, Agaricus campestris, Gene-for-gene hypothesis, Receptor-Elicitor Model, Disease cycle, Disease triangle, Disease pyramid, Competition, Antibiosis, Mycoparasitism, Mycorrhizal association, Induced Defense Mechanism, Integrated disease management, Plant QuarantineSynopsis
This book entitled “Fundamentals of Mycopathology” is designed and written as a text book for undergraduate students of Botany as per UGC Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) curriculum, taught at various colleges of Indian Universities. Mycopathology is a branch of plant science which deals with the study of fungi and disease of plant caused by pathogens (i.e. fungi, bacteria virus etc.) with their control measures. Fungi are heterotrophic thallophytic eukaryotic organisms found in every ecological niche as saprophytic, parasitic and symbiotic. The economic importance of fungi is equally impressive with uses in the food and beverage industries, agriculture, the pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries, and medicine. This book intends to provide an overview of different fungal groups and their mode of life cycle. This book also provides a brief account of plant pathogen interaction, disease development and control measures. This book focused on various chapters of mycology and phytopathology as per undergraduate curriculum in Botany according to Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) of U.G.C. These chapters includes fungal general account, mode of nutrition and classification in (Chapter 1), Fungal diversity and their life cycle in (Chapter 2, 3, 4 and 5), Fungal symbiosis association and its importance in (Chapter 6), Applied mycology for modern pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries in (Chapter 7), Some common terminology on Mycology and Plant Pathology in (Chapter 8 and 10) and General account of plant pathology in (Chapter 9). I hope the book “Fundamentals of Mycopathology” truly fulfils its objective.